КНИГИ » Страница 16
PROC FCMP User-Defined Functions: An Introduction to the SAS Function Compiler
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Название: PROC FCMP User-Defined Functions: An Introduction to the SAS Function Compiler
Автор: Troy Martin Hughes
Издательство: SAS Institute Inc.
Год: 2024
Страниц: 425
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

In PROC FCMP User-Defined Functions, readers are introduced to the SAS Function Compiler, which enables users to create user-defined functions and subroutines. These modular, callable software components complement the diverse array of SAS built-in functions and extend the SAS programming language, creating more building blocks for constructing future software! The book opens by introducing the role of functions in software design and explaining how functions improve software quality characteristics. It then moves on to basic PROC FCMP syntax, including how to define and call user-defined functions. Next, readers learn about the SAS array and hash object, the primary data structures leveraged by PROC FCMP, and how PROC FCMP can manipulate them behind the scenes. Finally, the Python Component Object is introduced, which facilitates the interoperability of SAS and Python. PROC FCMP runs Python functions natively inside a SAS wrapper, which allows open-source functions to be incorporated without needing to be rewritten in SAS. The Python language has become one of the most versatile, widely distributed programming languages in the world. Can I say that in a SAS book? Yes! Because the SAS Institute is not only aware of this success—they are capitalizing on it, as they continue their commitment to platform and software interoperability. The FCMP procedure helps facilitate the integration of Python and the SAS application through the Python Component Object, which enables Python functions to be executed inside user-defined SAS functions and subroutines.

R for the Rest of Us: A Statistics-Free Introduction
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Название: R for the Rest of Us: A Statistics-Free Introduction
Автор: David Keyes
Издательство: No Starch Press
Год: 2024
Страниц: 306
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub
Размер: 31.8 MB

The R programming language is a remarkably powerful tool for data analysis and visualization, but its steep learning curve can be intimidating for some. If you just want to automate repetitive tasks or visualize your data, without the need for complex math, R for the Rest of Us is for you. Inside you’ll find a crash course in R, a quick tour of the RStudio programming environment, and a collection of real-word applications that you can put to use right away. You’ll learn how to create informative visualizations, streamline report generation, and develop interactive websites—whether you’re a seasoned R user or have never written a line of R code. Many people think of R as simply a tool for hardcore statistical analysis, but it can do much more than manipulate numerical values. After all, every R user must illuminate their findings and communicate their results somehow, whether that’s via data visualizations, reports, websites, or presentations. Also, the more you use R, the more you’ll find yourself wanting to automate tasks you currently do manually. No matter your background, using R can transform your work. This book is for you if you’re either a current R user keen to explore its uses for visualization and communication or a non-R user wondering if R is right for you. I’ve written R for the Rest of Us so that it should make sense whether or not you’ve ever written a line of R code. But even if you’ve written entire R programs, the book should help you learn plenty of new techniques to up your game. R is a great tool for anyone who works with data.

IoT-enabled Sensor Networks: Architecture, Methodologies, Security, and Futuristic Applications
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Название: IoT-enabled Sensor Networks: Architecture, Methodologies, Security, and Futuristic Applications
Автор: Samayveer Singh, Manju, Aruna Malik
Издательство: Bentham Books
Серия: Advances in Computing Communications and Informatics
Год: 2024
Страниц: 142
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 26.8 MB

This volume explores IoT architectures, their configuration, and operability in wireless sensor networks. The topics are spread across nine structured chapters covering fundamental and applied knowledge about wireless sensor networks using IoT devices. The book starts with an introduction to the subject, giving readers a quick overview of IoT enabled networks and bio-inspired approaches towards network design. This is followed by chapters explaining optimized routing protocols for accident detection, efficiency and performance analysis. The book concludes with four chapters dedicated to security applications of wireless networks, for homes, urban areas and businesses. Overall, the volume gives a balance of theoretical and practical information for readers. The Internet of Things (IoT) significantly broadens the use of information technology by fusing the physical and digital worlds. The third wave of the IT industry revolution is currently being led by futuristic device-based networking. As equipment becomes more digitalized and interconnected, networks between machines, people, and the Internet are formed. This results in the development of new ecosystems that allow for increased productivity, improved energy efficiency, and increased profitability. Sensors help to recognize the state of things, by which they gain the advantage of anticipating human needs based on the information collected per context. These sophisticated devices can make decisions on their own without human assistance in addition to gathering information from their surroundings. For graduate and post graduate students and faculty members in the field of networking and IoT.

Категория: КНИГИ » ОС И БД
Frame Theory in Data Science
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Название: Frame Theory in Data Science
Автор: Zhihua Zhang, Palle E.T. Jorgensen
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2024
Страниц: 262
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 39.3 MB

This book establishes brand-new frame theory and technical implementation in Data Science, with a special focus on spatial-scale feature extraction, network dynamics, object-oriented analysis, data-driven environmental prediction, and climate diagnosis. Given that Data Science is unanimously recognized as a core driver for achieving Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, these frame techniques bring fundamental changes to multi-channel data mining systems and support the development of digital Earth platforms. This book integrates the authors' frame research in the past twenty years and provides cutting-edge techniques and depth for scientists, professionals, and graduate students in Data Science, applied mathematics, environmental science, and geoscience. In this book, we have established the theory of Dirac frames, polynomial frames, quasiorthogonal frames, periodic frames, and frame trees, and characterized adaptive segmentation of data spectral domain by quasi-orthogonal and pseudo-project frame operators. As an emerging branch of statistical and Deep Learning, frame networks can automatically acquire novel knowledge from observation data through a statistical learning process and then makes reliable predictions and downscaling. A frame network consists of three layers: the input layer, the hidden layer, and the output layer, where various frames are embedded into each node of the hidden layer and frame coefficients are used as the weight of the directed edges from one node to another node.

Самый лучший пароход (1980)
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Самый лучший пароход (1980)Название: Самый лучший пароход
Серия: Мои первые книжки
Автор книги: Святослав Сахарнов
Художник: Ю.Ракутин
Издательство: Детская литература
Год выпуска: 1980
Формат: PDF
Язык: русский
Размер: 14,5

Святослав Владимирович Сахарнов - человек широких интересов, известный широкой публике как детский писатель и главный редактор журнала "Костер". Но Сахарнов еще и ученный, путешественник и участник многих экспедиций. Его книги и научная деятельность всегда были связаны с морем, с подводным миром. Три рассказа из этой книги тоже морской тематики: "Два радиста", "Как достали якорь" и "Самый лучший пароход".

Золотой луг
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Золотой лугНазвание: Золотой луг
Серия: Мои первые книжки
Автор книги: Михаил Пришвин
Художник: В.Горячева
Издательство: Детская литература
Год выпуска: 1988
Формат: PDF
Язык: русский
Размер: 11,8 Mb

Имя Михаила Михайловича Пришвина ассоциируется, прежде всего, с русской природой, которая была центральной темой его творчества. Его охотничьи рассказы, повести, произведения для детей, написанные в своеобразном философско-натуралистическом стиле, пополнили золотой фонд детской литературы и издаются на многих языках мира. В эту книгу из серии "Мои первые книжки" вошли четыре рассказа этого замечательного автора. Иллюстрации нарисовала художник-анималист Вера Анатольевна Горячева.

Три богатыря (Былинные сказы)
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Три богатыря (Былинные сказы)Название: Три богатыря (Былинные сказы)
Серия: Книга за книгой
Автор книги: пересказал А.Нечаев
Художник: И.Архипов
Издательство: Детская литература
Год выпуска: 1979
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 68
Язык: русский
Качество: высокое
Размер: 35,1 Mb

В книгу вошли русские былины об Илье Муромце, Добрыне Никитиче и Алёше Поповиче, пересказанные для детей советским писателем-фольклористом А.Н.Нечаевым. В основу этих былин была положена жизнь реальных исторических персонажей. Со временем эти истории дополнялись чисто былинными подробностями и в итоге стали народными произведениями, в которых воплощались все лучшие черты защитника Руси от иноземных захватчиков.

Рассказы о войне (Школьная библиотека)
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Рассказы о войне (Школьная библиотека)Название: Рассказы о войне
Серия: Школьная библиотека
Автор книги: разные авторы
Художник: Ольга Подивилова
Издательство: Самовар
Год выпуска: 2014
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 212
Язык: русский
Размер: 45,9 Mb

В сборник вошли произведения лучших советских писателей, ставшие классикой детской литературы о Великой Отечественной войне.

Лисичкин хлеб (1980)
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Лисичкин хлеб (1980)Название: Лисичкин хлеб
Серия: Книга за книгой
Автор книги: Михаил Пришвин
Художник: А.Эйгес
Издательство: Детская литература
Год выпуска: 1980
Формат: PDF
Язык: русский
Качество: высокое
Размер: 12,5 Mb

В этой книге вы прочитаете несколько рассказов о зверях и птицах, об их жизни на воле и рядом с человеком. Написал их замечательный русский советский писатель Михаил Михайлович Пришвин (1873—1954). В молодые годы он много путешествовал, вёл наблюдения над природой, научился любить и понимать её и написал много книг.

Effective Software Architecture: Building Better Software Faster (Final)
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Название: Effective Software Architecture: Building Better Software Faster (Final)
Автор: Oliver Goldman
Издательство: Addison-Wesley Professional/Pearson Education
Год: 2024
Страниц: 241
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub, mobi
Размер: 10.1 MB

Leverage software architecture as an effective tool for product development and build better software faster.Effective Software Architecture is the essential handbook for making software architecture an effective practice within product development organizations and processes while putting whole software teams on the same page. Industry elite Oliver Goldman provides a comprehensive perspective on the set of real-world skills and practices this work requires: a predictable, repeatable design process; the ability to make decisions expediently and effectively; a comprehensive and consistent communication strategy; tools that promote efficiency; and a team that is greater than the sum of its parts. Goldman's engaging prose articulates why software architecture is essential to building great software products, release after release. Rather than focusing on a specific architectural style or technology, this book's goal is to make software architects better at managing change, design, decision making, and team communication while helping software product managers, program managers, UX designers, and other team members understand how architecture functions within the software development process. Goldman's work is essential to helping the whole team achieve success. An effective software architecture practice helps product development organizations produce better software faster. This book is for software architects, the managers who lead them, and their counterparts in product management, user experience, program management, and other related disciplines. This book is also for everyone who works with a software architecture team.