Neural Networks with Tensorflow and Keras: Training, Generative Models, and Reinforcement Learning
Regenerating Learning: Transforming How You Learn with Generative AI
Distributed Intelligence: Building an autonomous tech ecosystem with AI, blockchain, IoT and green energy
Terraform Made Easy: Provisioning, Managing and Automating Cloud Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud
Scattering Characteristics of Aerial and Ground Radar Objects
Microsoft 365 Excel VBA Programming For Dummies, 7th Edition
Ultimate Robotics Programming with ROS 2 and Python
Low Code Development with Mendix: Developing state of the art innovative apps at speed with the Mendix low code development
The Farm to Table Cookbook: The Art of Eating Locally
Managerial Accounting for Managers, 6th Edition
Hokkaido: Recipes from the Seas, Fields and Farmlands of Northern Japan
Spiced Cookies. Top 50 Most Delicious Cookie Recipes with Spices and Herbs
Преображение мира. История XIX столетия. В 3-х томах (Серия Historia mundi)
Mastering C++ Programming For GUI Development With Qt
Java Secrets: High performance and scalability
Смурфики: Смурфи і яйце (5)
Neural Networks with Tensorflow and Keras: Training, Generative Models, and Reinforcement Learning
Regenerating Learning: Transforming How You Learn with Generative AI
Distributed Intelligence: Building an autonomous tech ecosystem with AI, blockchain, IoT and green energy
Terraform Made Easy: Provisioning, Managing and Automating Cloud Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud
Scattering Characteristics of Aerial and Ground Radar Objects
Microsoft 365 Excel VBA Programming For Dummies, 7th Edition
Ultimate Robotics Programming with ROS 2 and Python
Low Code Development with Mendix: Developing state of the art innovative apps at speed with the Mendix low code development
The Farm to Table Cookbook: The Art of Eating Locally
Managerial Accounting for Managers, 6th Edition
Hokkaido: Recipes from the Seas, Fields and Farmlands of Northern Japan
Spiced Cookies. Top 50 Most Delicious Cookie Recipes with Spices and Herbs
Преображение мира. История XIX столетия. В 3-х томах (Серия Historia mundi)
Mastering C++ Programming For GUI Development With Qt
Java Secrets: High performance and scalability
Смурфики: Смурфи і яйце (5)
Название: Знание - сила
Год / месяц: 2009/1-12
Номер: 1-12
Формат: PDF
Размер: 119 Мб
«Знание — сила» — советский и российский научно-популярный и научно-художественный журнал, основанный в 1926 году. Публикует материалы о достижениях в различных областях науки — физике, астрономии, космологии, биологии, истории, экономике, философии, психологии, социологии.
Название: Discover
Номер: October
Год: 2016
Страниц: 84
Формат: PDF
Размер: 21,1 Мб
Язык: английский / English
Earth has endured its fair share of extinctions over the past 4 billion years. They aren't freak accidents, and the culprit is somewhere in space. But do mass extinctions work like clockwork?In Turkey, archaeologists are uncovering evidence a Neolithic, egalitarian utopia. How did it all fall apart?
You'll also see how new technology is giving us fair warning for impending natural disasters, and how pioneering research is granting women diagnosed with cancer new opportunities to become mothers. Plus, we dive into a mustachioed medical mystery, primordial gravity waves and the science of taking risks.
Номер: October
Год: 2016
Страниц: 84
Формат: PDF
Размер: 21,1 Мб
Язык: английский / English
Earth has endured its fair share of extinctions over the past 4 billion years. They aren't freak accidents, and the culprit is somewhere in space. But do mass extinctions work like clockwork?In Turkey, archaeologists are uncovering evidence a Neolithic, egalitarian utopia. How did it all fall apart?
You'll also see how new technology is giving us fair warning for impending natural disasters, and how pioneering research is granting women diagnosed with cancer new opportunities to become mothers. Plus, we dive into a mustachioed medical mystery, primordial gravity waves and the science of taking risks.
Название: BBC Knowledge Asia Edition
Номер: September
Год: 2016
Страниц: 100
Формат: PDF
Размер: 36 Мб
Язык: английский / English
BBC Knowledge is a magazine for young inquisitive minds where well-researched, handpicked stories are matched with breath-taking visuals to cover science, history and nature.Written by renowned International and Indian experts, its wide range of features provide rivetting and up-to-date information on topics as varied as technology, archeology, natural history and space exploration. With material meant to stimulate the mind, BBC Knowledge looks to empower a generation of young readers.
Название: Небосвод
Издательсво: Небосвод
Год: 2016
Номер: 4
Страниц: 44
Формат: pdf
Размер: 20 MB
Язык: русский
Небосвод - в журнале Вы найдете статьи известных астрономов и обычных любителей астрономии. Вы познакомитесь с миром звезд, планет и галактик. Из статей вы узнаете, что и как наблюдать на небе. Также в каждом номере помещен астрономический календарь с подробными звездными картами, и вы будите в курсе последних событий и не пропустите важное небесное явление.
Издательсво: Небосвод
Год: 2016
Номер: 4
Страниц: 44
Формат: pdf
Размер: 20 MB
Язык: русский
Небосвод - в журнале Вы найдете статьи известных астрономов и обычных любителей астрономии. Вы познакомитесь с миром звезд, планет и галактик. Из статей вы узнаете, что и как наблюдать на небе. Также в каждом номере помещен астрономический календарь с подробными звездными картами, и вы будите в курсе последних событий и не пропустите важное небесное явление.
Название: Nаturе Mаgаzinе
Год: 2016
Номер: 1 September
Страниц: 314
Формат: PDF
Размер: 183,7 Мб
Язык: английский / English
Nаturе is a British interdisciplinary scientific journal. Nature claims an online readership of about 3 million unique readers per month. The journal has a weekly circulation of around 53,000 but studies have concluded that on average a single copy is shared by as many as eight people.
Название: Знание - сила
Год / месяц: 2008/1-12
Номер: 1-12
Формат: PDF
Размер: 151 Мб
«Знание — сила» — советский и российский научно-популярный и научно-художественный журнал, основанный в 1926 году. Публикует материалы о достижениях в различных областях науки — физике, астрономии, космологии, биологии, истории, экономике, философии, психологии, социологии.
Название: Nаturе Mаgаzinе
Год: 2016
Номер: 25 August 2016
Страниц: 280
Формат: PDF
Размер: 140 Мб
Язык: английский / English
Nаturе is a British interdisciplinary scientific journal. Nature claims an online readership of about 3 million unique readers per month. The journal has a weekly circulation of around 53,000 but studies have concluded that on average a single copy is shared by as many as eight people.
Год: 2016
Номер: 25 August 2016
Страниц: 280
Формат: PDF
Размер: 140 Мб
Язык: английский / English
Nаturе is a British interdisciplinary scientific journal. Nature claims an online readership of about 3 million unique readers per month. The journal has a weekly circulation of around 53,000 but studies have concluded that on average a single copy is shared by as many as eight people.
Название: Nаturе Mаgаzinе
Год: 2016
Номер: 4 August 2016
Страниц: 280
Формат: PDF
Размер: 140,4 Мб
Язык: английский / English
Nаturе is a British interdisciplinary scientific journal. Nature claims an online readership of about 3 million unique readers per month. The journal has a weekly circulation of around 53,000 but studies have concluded that on average a single copy is shared by as many as eight people.
Год: 2016
Номер: 4 August 2016
Страниц: 280
Формат: PDF
Размер: 140,4 Мб
Язык: английский / English
Nаturе is a British interdisciplinary scientific journal. Nature claims an online readership of about 3 million unique readers per month. The journal has a weekly circulation of around 53,000 but studies have concluded that on average a single copy is shared by as many as eight people.