PHP and MYSQL: Course and corrected exercises
Там, де ліс зустрічає зорі - Ґленді Вандера
Карту создают первопроходцы
Collaborative Intelligence: How Humans and AI Are Transforming Our World
Математика. Разбор заданий для подготовки к ЕГЭ с анализом типичных ошибок. 10-11 классы. Профильный уровень, Изд. 2-е, доп.
Wood Pellet Smoker and Grill Cookbook: The Ultimate Smoker Cookbook for Smoking Meat
Сборники Вкус Южной Италии. 1 и 2 части
Prehistoric World: Over 1,200 Incredible Mammals and Discoveries from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: Foundations and Modern Approaches
The Global History of Portugal: From Pre-History to the Modern World
The Outdoor Gas Griddle Cookbook: Mastering The Art of Grilling for Creating Irresistible Outdoor Recipes
The Kamado Grill Cookbook: Complete Smoker Cookbook
Quantum Computing Strategy: Foundations and Applicability
Natural Language Generation
Christine de Pizan: Life, Work, Legacy (Medieval Lives)
Encyclopedia of Roman Imperial Chronology
PHP and MYSQL: Course and corrected exercises
Там, де ліс зустрічає зорі - Ґленді Вандера
Карту создают первопроходцы
Collaborative Intelligence: How Humans and AI Are Transforming Our World
Математика. Разбор заданий для подготовки к ЕГЭ с анализом типичных ошибок. 10-11 классы. Профильный уровень, Изд. 2-е, доп.
Wood Pellet Smoker and Grill Cookbook: The Ultimate Smoker Cookbook for Smoking Meat
Сборники Вкус Южной Италии. 1 и 2 части
Prehistoric World: Over 1,200 Incredible Mammals and Discoveries from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: Foundations and Modern Approaches
The Global History of Portugal: From Pre-History to the Modern World
The Outdoor Gas Griddle Cookbook: Mastering The Art of Grilling for Creating Irresistible Outdoor Recipes
The Kamado Grill Cookbook: Complete Smoker Cookbook
Quantum Computing Strategy: Foundations and Applicability
Natural Language Generation
Christine de Pizan: Life, Work, Legacy (Medieval Lives)
Encyclopedia of Roman Imperial Chronology
Название: Modele Magazine N 782
Издательство: Editions Lariviere
Год / месяц: Novembre 2016
Страниц: 100
Язык: French
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 28 MB
Mensuel de reference dans l'aeromodelisme radiocommande (avions, planeurs, helicopteres, quadricopteres), Modele Magazine conjugue loisir et passion dans une formule dynamique. Pilote par une equipe de specialistes, maitrisant chacun des domaines aussi pointus que la voltige, le planeur, l'electrique, la maquette, l'electronique… Modele Magazine est donc la lecture indispensable des aeromodelistes. Tous les 2 mois un plan de modele original est encarte dans le magazine.
Название: Eisenbahn Journal
Издательство: Verlagsgruppe Bahn (VGB)
Год / месяц: November 2016
Страниц: 108
Язык: German
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 56 MB
Die Deutsche Bundesbahn auf ihrem Weg durch die Jahrzehnte und den jeweiligen Zeitgeist: Das Eisenbahn-JOURNAL vollzieht die DB-Historie der 50er, 60er, 70er und 80er Jahre in allen Facetten mit faktenreichen Texten und pragnanten Bildern nach. Gewurzt mit Anregungen fur Modellbahner ist der Modellbahnteil, der sich thematisch dem Zeitfenster des Vorbildteils anpasst. Steigen Sie also ein beim Eisenbahn-Journal und gehen Sie kunftig Monat fur Monat mit uns auf Reisen in die Gro?e Zeit der Eisenbahn!
Название: MIBA - Die Eisenbahn im Modell Spezial: No. 110
Издательство: MIBA Verlag
Год / месяц: 2016
Страниц: 106
Язык: German
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 54 MB
Ein renommiertes Redaktionsteam berichtet jeden Monat in Wort und Bild uber das gesamte Spektrum der Modelleisenbahn. Anlagenplanung und Anlagenbau, ebenso akribische wie objektive Testberichte einschlie?lich der jeweiligen Vorbildinformationen, Gebaude- und Landschaftsbau, Neuheiten und Erfahrungsberichte und vieles mehr ist in der MIBA zu finden.
Название: Panzer Aces
Год / месяц: 2016
Номер: 1
Формат: pdf
Размер: 20,0 Мб
Язык: английский/испанский
With this issue we begin a series of specials that deal with the analysis of the camouflage patterns used by the armored and other German vehicles during WWII. In spite of the many years gone by, this particular subject is still of great public interest especially when dealing with the armored vehicles in particular. Camouflage a word of French origin, is basically a way of “masking” the war material in order to avoid detection and identification by enemy forces. The looks of the item in question are dissimulated in order to offer a deceitful appearance, and if possible to make the item go unnoticed. This can be done in several ways; covering it with branches, canvases, nets or other materials, or applying paint with disruptive patterns, or if paint is wanting covering the item with mud, stones, snow, etc. In this issue camouflage paint is studied, and a number of tank camouflage patterns will be analyzed, dealing also with the emblems of the principal tank units. This will be done with the backing of a lengthy series of high quality color profiles. Conceived as a practical visual guide for hobbyists, I trust that this work will also become a useful reference for those people interested in this fundamental period in history.