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Electricity: Principle & Application, 9th Edition
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Название: Electricity: Principle & Application, 9th Edition
Автор: Richard J. Fowler, Mitchel E. Schultz
Издательство: McGraw Hill
Год: 2023
Страниц: 641
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 106.1 MB

Electricity: Principles and Applications, 9e, requires that students have no prior knowledge of electrical theory and principles and allows students with limited math and reading skills to gain a clear understanding of electricity and electrical devices. Mastering this material in this text will also provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to pursue further education in electricity and electronics. Any mathematics beyond simple arithmetic is carefully explained and illustrated with examples before it is used to solve more advanced circuit problems. Although simultaneous equations, matrixes, and determinants are introduced in Chap. 6, they are defined and explained in some detail before actually being used. Similarly, the elements of trigonometry used with ac circuits are fully explained and illustrated with examples before being applied to AC circuit problems.

Mastering FPGA Embedded Systems: A Case Study Approach to Designing and Implementing FPGA-Based Embedded Systems with TFT LCDs
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Название: Mastering FPGA Embedded Systems: A Case Study Approach to Designing and Implementing FPGA-Based Embedded Systems with TFT LCDs
Автор: Aharen san
Издательство: Independently published
Год: 2023
Страниц: 263
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 17.1 MB

We will talk about the FPGA driver SPI TFT LCD 01: System Target. So let's take a look at what we are going to do for this project. Let’s take a look at our boards, so this is our FPGA board. This is our FPGA board, this is our lcd board. So this is the power supply. It's 3.3v. And this is the ground. And this is the SPI connection. It connects the lcd board with the FPGA board. And this is the LCD module. So on the back side. So this is the FPC Connector. It connects the LCD module on the board. so I specially designed this board for our lessons. Next step, let's power on the board. And then we download the software. it shows red, green. blue. RGB and Black. And some words: Micro studios. Technology is an art! it's my website's logo. so this is our target. I will show you how to drive the LCD and show the RGB color and the show the words. We will talk about the FPGA driver SPI TFT LCD 02: System Analysis. So let's take a look at what is the system structure, what is the system module for this project. So first thing, we will have the FPGA module, of course, we use FPGA to control LCD, and we will need one FPGA module.

STM32 IoT Projects for Beginners: A Hands-On Guide to Connecting Sensors, Programming Embedded Systems
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Название: STM32 IoT Projects for Beginners: A Hands-On Guide to Connecting Sensors, Programming Embedded Systems, Build IoT Devices with STM32
Автор: Aharen san
Издательство: Independently published
Год: 2023
Страниц: 214
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 15.1 MB

We will see how to interface BM e 280 sensor with STM 32. This sensor can measure the temperature, pressure and relative humidity. I have written a library for it, which I will upload on the GitHub and you can get it from there. As we progress along the project, I will also explain the code and how you can write one yourself using the datasheet. The library covers a lot of things, but there are still few things which you need to manually implement. So watch the project carefully as you might need to make changes in the library based on what requirements you have from the sensor. This is the datasheet for the device. Here I have highlighted few important things that I will cover in today's project. I will leave the link to this data sheet in the description. Let's start with cube ID and create a new project I am using STM 32 F 103 controller give some name to the project and click finish first of all I am enabling the external crystal for the clock. The blue pill have eight megahertz crystal on board and I want the system to run at maximum 72 megahertz clock. Enable the serial wire debug. The sensor can use both the eye to C and SPI for communication. You can use either of those but I am going to go with the eye to see enable the eye to see interface and leave everything to default.

Raspberry Pi Tricks and Tips - 15th Edition, 2023
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Название: Raspberry Pi Tricks and Tips - 15th Edition, 2023
Автор: Papercut Limited
Издательство: Papercut Limited
Год: 2023
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 45.3 MB

Raspberry Pi Tricks & Tips - это идеальное цифровое издание для пользователей, которые хотят поднять свои навыки на новый уровень. Вы хотите повысить свой пользовательский опыт? Или хотите получить глубокие знания? Хотите учиться непосредственно у экспертов в своей области? Узнать о многочисленных приемах, которыми пользуются профессионалы? На страницах этого нового руководства для продвинутых пользователей вы узнаете все, что вам нужно знать, чтобы стать более уверенным, квалифицированным и опытным владельцем. Пользователем, который будет получать максимальную отдачу от использования Raspberry Pi и, в конечном счете, от кодирования и цифрового творчества. Это достижение вы можете заслужить, просто предоставив нам возможность эксклюзивно помочь вам и научить вас тем способностям, которые мы приобрели за десятилетия нашего опыта. ОС Raspberry Pi основана на Linux - невероятно мощной операционной системе, на которой работают многие суперкомпьютеры, веб-серверы и даже военная техника высшего класса. Освоив Linux, вы не только овладеете Pi, но и сможете понять, что лежит в основе Интернета.

Fractal Antenna Design using Bio-inspired Computing Algorithms
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Название: Fractal Antenna Design using Bio-inspired Computing Algorithms
Автор: Balwinder S. Dhaliwal, Suman Pattnaik and Shyam Sundar Pattnaik
Издательство: Bentham Books
Год: 2023
Страниц: 155
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 22.0 MB

This book presents research focused on the design of fractal antennas using bio-inspired computing techniques. The authors present designs for fractal antennas having desirable features like size reduction characteristics, enhanced gain, and improved bandwidths. The research is summarized in six chapters which highlight the important issues related to fractal antenna design and the mentioned computing techniques. Chapters demonstrate several applied concepts and techniques used in the process such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Genetic Algorithms (GAs), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO). The work aims to provide cost-effective and efficient solutions to the demand for compact antennas due to the increasing demand for reduced sizes of components in modern wireless communication devices. A key feature of the book includes an extensive literature survey to understand the concept of fractal antennas, their features, and design approaches. This book is a valuable resource for students (from UG to PG levels) and research scholars undertaking learning modules or projects on microstrip and patch antenna design in communications or electronics engineering courses.

Get Started with the SensorTile.box : STmicroelectronics' wireless IoT & wearable sensor development kit
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Название: Get Started with the SensorTile.box : STmicroelectronics' wireless IoT & wearable sensor development kit
Автор: Dogan Ibrahim
Издательство: Elektor Publication
Год: 2020
Страниц: 186
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 12.2 MB

STmicroelectronics’ wireless IoT & wearable sensor development kit. ‘SensorTile.box’ is a portable multi-sensor circuit board housed in a plastic box and developed by STMicroelectronics. It is equipped with a high-performance 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 processor with DSP and FPU, and various sensor modules, such as accelerometer, gyroscope, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, atmospheric pressure sensor, microphone, and so on. SensorTile.box is ready to use with wireless IoT and Bluetooth connectivity that can easily be used with an iOS or Android compatible smartphone, regardless of the level of expertise of the users. SensorTile.box is shipped with a long-life battery and all the user has to do is connect the battery to the circuit to start using the box. The SensorTile.box can be operated in three modes: Basic mode, Expert mode, and Pro mode. Basic mode is the easiest way of using the box since it is pre-loaded with demo apps and all the user has to do is choose the required apps and display or plot the measured data on a smartphone using an app called STE BLE Sensor. In Expert mode users can develop simple apps using a graphical wizard provided with the STE BLE Sensor.

Multitasking with Raspberry Pi
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Название: Multitasking with Raspberry Pi
Автор: Dogan Ibrahim
Издательство: Elektor Publication
Год: 2020
Страниц: 232
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 19.7 MB

Multitasking and multiprocessing have become a very important topic in microcontroller-based systems, namely in complex commercial, domestic, and industrial automation applications. As the complexity of projects grows, more functionalities are demanded from the projects. Such projects require the use of multiple inter-related tasks running on the same system and sharing the available resources, such as the CPU, memory, and input-output ports. As a result of this, the importance of multitasking operations in microcontroller-based applications has grown steadily over the last few years. Many complex automation projects now make use of some form of a multitasking kernel. This book is project-based and its main aim is to teach the basic features of multitasking using the Python 3 programming language on Raspberry Pi. Many fully tested projects are provided in the book using the multitasking modules of Python. Each project is described fully and in detail. Complete program listings are given for each project. Readers should be able to use the projects as they are, or modify them to suit their own needs. The following Python multitasking modules have been described and used in the The book includes simple multitasking projects such as independently controlling multiple LEDs, to more complex multitasking projects such as on/off temperature control, traffic lights control, 2-digit, and 4-digit 7-segment LED event counter, reaction timer, stepper motor control, keypad based projects, car park controller, and many more.

Толстые пленки радиоэлектроники. Физико-технические основы, гетероструктурные среды, приложения
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Название: Толстые пленки радиоэлектроники. Физико-технические основы, гетероструктурные среды, приложения
Автор: Подвигалкин В. Я.
Издательство: Лань
Год: 2021
Cтраниц: 212
Формат: pdf
Размер: 15 мб
Язык: русский

В пособии показана возможность физико-технических подходов в преодолении проблем в области создания миниатюрной элементной базы радиоэлектроники на основе объединяющего технического образа толстых плёнок, занимающих размерный ряд от 2 до 100 мкм, со средами в наноразмерном масштабе. Излагаются основополагающие принципы конструирования радиоэлектронной элементной базы, включая несущие компоненты: технологичность, инвариантность, интегральность. Показан метод моделирования наномерных сред современной толстоплёночной элементной базы.

Explore the Raspberry Pi in 45 Electronics Projects : 3rd Edition – Fully updated for Raspberry Pi 4
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Название: Explore the Raspberry Pi in 45 Electronics Projects : 3rd Edition – Fully updated for Raspberry Pi 4
Автор: Bert van Dam
Издательство: Elektor Publication
Год: 2020
Страниц: 288
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.25 MB

The Raspberry Pi is a very cheap but complete computer system that allows all sorts of electronics parts and extensions to be connected. This book addresses one of the strongest aspects of the Raspberry the ability to combine hands-on electronics and programming. Combine hands-on electronics and programming After a short introduction to the Raspberry Pi you proceed with installing the required software. The SD card that can be purchased in conjunction with this book contains everything to get started with the Raspberry Pi. At the side of the (optional) Windows PC, software is used which is free for downloading. The book continues with a concise introduction to the Linux operating system, after which you start programming in Bash, Python 3 and jаvascript. Although the emphasis is on Python, the coverage is brief and to the point in all cases – just enabling you to grasp the essence of all projects and start adapting them to your requirements. All set, you can carry on with fun projects. The book is ideal for self-study No fewer than 45 exciting and compelling projects are discussed and elaborated in detail. From a flashing lights to driving an electromotor; from processing and generating analog signals to a lux meter and a temperature control. We also move to more complex projects like a motor speed controller, a web server with CGI, client-server applications and Xwindows programs.

Programming the Finite State Machine with 8-Bit PICs in Assembly and C
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Название: Programming the Finite State Machine with 8-Bit PICs in Assembly and C
Автор: Andrew Pratt
Издательство: Elektor Publication
Год: 2020
Страниц: 188
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.9 MB

This practical guide is aimed at electronics students and hobbyists. It is intended to be a valuable aid in writing programs using Finite State Machines (FSMs) in assembly language using 8-bit PIC microcontrollers. The last two chapters introduce the use of the C programming language and make a direct comparison with development in Assembly. An FSM is a way of writing a program to make it easier to produce and modify. The machine is abstract in that it is just the structure of the program. This abstract machine can be represented by drawing a diagram on paper. The diagram is independent of the programming language used. The FSM chart gives a complete description of what the program does. It can then be implemented as source code. The book should appeal to those with an interest in the combination of electronics and software and have an interest in how things work. All coding is done in a text editor of your choosing. The command line is used for running programs. If you are a Windows user, you might look at this as old fashioned. This is actually an efficient way of doing simple scripts for repetitive tasks save lots of mouse clicks. The last two chapters give an introduction to programming in C using the XC8 compiler.