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Языки VHDL и VERILOG в проектировании цифровой аппаратуры (2016)
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Название: Языки VHDL и VERILOG в проектировании цифровой аппаратуры
Автор: Поляков А.К.
Издательство: СОЛОН-Пресс
Год: 2016
Cтраниц: 313
Формат: pdf
Размер: 53 мб
Язык: русский

Книга посвящена проектированию цифровых систем с помощью высокоуровневых языков описания аппаратуры (Hardware Description Language — HDL) — Verilog и VHDL. Эти языки являются международным стандартом и используются как системами анализа (моделирование), так и системами синтеза цифровой аппаратуры. С единых позиций изложены основные концепции этих языков. Даны рекомендации по стилю кодирования, синтезабельности и верификации HDL-описаний проектируемых систем. Приведены примеры синтезабельных описаний узлов и устройств и организации функциональных тестов.

Device Circuit Co-Design Issues in FETs
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Название: Device Circuit Co-Design Issues in FETs
Автор: Shubham Tayal, Billel Smaani, Shiromani Balmukund Rahi
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2024
Страниц: 280
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 42.5 MB

This book provides an overview of emerging semiconductor devices and their applications in electronic circuits, which form the foundation of electronic devices. Device Circuit Co-Design Issues in FETs provides readers with a better understanding of the ever-growing field of low-power electronic devices and their applications in the wireless, biosensing, and circuit domains. The book brings researchers and engineers from various disciplines of the VLSI domain together to tackle the emerging challenges in the field of engineering and applications of advanced low-power devices in an effort to improve the performance of these technologies. The chapters examine the challenges and scope of FinFET device circuits, 3D FETs, and advanced FET for circuit applications. The book also discusses low-power memory design, neuromorphic computing, and issues related to thermal reliability. The authors provide a good understanding of device physics and circuits, and discuss transistors based on the new channel/dielectric materials and device architectures to achieve low-power dissipation and ultra-high switching speeds to fulfill the requirements of the semiconductor industry.

Электронная лаборатория на IBM PC. Программа Electronics Workbench и ее применение
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Название: Электронная лаборатория на IBM PC. Программа Electronics Workbench и ее применение
Автор: Карлащук В.И.
Издательство: СОЛОН-Пресс
Год: 2016 - изд. 3-е, перераб. и допол.
Cтраниц: 725
Формат: pdf
Размер: 132 мб
Язык: русский

Книга посвящена применению программы Electronics Workbench фирмы Interactive Image Technologies (Канада) для схемотехнического моделирования аналоговых и цифровых радиоэлектронных устройств различного назначения, представленных большим количеством практических схем, что делает книгу своеобразным справочным пособием. Она может быть использована в технических учебных заведениях при проведении лабораторных работ по основам электротехники, электроники, вычислительной техники и автоматики.

Sensors and Protocols for Industry 4.0: Industrial Applications of Maker Tech
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Название: Sensors and Protocols for Industry 4.0: Industrial Applications of Maker Tech
Автор: G.R. Kanagachidambaresan, Bharathi N.
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2023
Страниц: 280
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10,2 MB

This book Identifies the right sensors and single board computers for any application to achieve the best performance in Industry 4.0 settings and applications. You’ll see what technologies apply the IIoT with elegant efficiency to drastically improve remote monitoring and controlling, decision making, and preventative maintenance. Start by learning exactly what Industry 4.0 is and advance your knowledge from simple Internet of Things projects to full-on Industrial IoT deployment. You'll automate advanced processes, incorporate professional procedures, and take your IoT skills to a professional level. Then move into the protocols and standards expected for industrial applications of sensors at an industrial level. Match the right SBCs to the right use cases and sensor technologies to optimize efficiency and ensure peak performance. Then move into setting up a smart factory and monitoring your supply chain with tech. Finally, you'll dive into programming with the Node-Red platform and Python packages for CPS.

Grob's Basic Electronics, 13th Edition
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Название: Grob's Basic Electronics, 13th Edition
Автор: Mitchel E. Schultz
Издательство: McGraw-Hill Education
Год: 2021
Страниц: 1310
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 40.5 MB

Grob’s Basic Electronics provides thorough, comprehensive coverage of all of the important fundamentals of DC and AC circuit theory. It also covers the most common electronic devices and their applications. The book has an endless number of worked-out examples showing detailed step-by-step solutions. Also, a multiple-choice self-test as well as an abundance of homework problems appear at the end of every chapter in the book. New to the 13th edition is a chapter on “Three-Phase AC Power Systems”. Also, additional real-world applications have been added to this edition. The book is written for the beginning student who has no previous knowledge about electricity and electronics. A basic knowledge of algebra and trigonometry is beneficial for those students using this book.

Introductory Circuit Analysis, 14th Edition, Global Edition
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Название: Introductory Circuit Analysis, 14th Edition, Global Edition
Автор: Robert L. Boylestad / Brian A. Olivari
Издательство: Pearson Education
Год: 2024
Страниц: 1147
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 21.2 MB

Introductory Circuit Analysis has been the number one acclaimed text in the field for over 50 years. Boylestad presents complex subject matter clearly and with an eye on practical applications. He provides detailed guidance in using the TI 89 Titanium calculator, the choice for this text, to perform all the required math techniques. Challenging chapter-ending review questions help you deepen your grasp of the material. Updated with the most current, relevant content, the 14th Edition places greater emphasis on fundamentals and has been redesigned with a more modern, accessible layout. Topics requiring a solid understanding of Power Factor, Lead and Lag concepts have been significantly enhanced throughout the text.

ESP32 Formats and Communication: Application of Communication Protocols with ESP32 Microcontroller
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Название: ESP32 Formats and Communication: Application of Communication Protocols with ESP32 Microcontroller
Автор: Neil Cameron
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2023
Страниц: 657
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 36.5 MB

Although Wi-Fi communication is incorporated in many internet-based applications, knowledge of alternative communication protocols is vital for optimal project development with a microcontroller, such as the ESP32. This book focuses on communication protocols for the ESP32 microcontroller with illustrative projects ranging from a Bluetooth Low Energy beacon communicating with your smart wristwatch to Long Range (LoRa) communication between microsatellites circling 550km above the Earth and an ESP32 microcontroller in your home.

Power Converters, Drives and Controls for Sustainable Operations
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Название: Power Converters, Drives and Controls for Sustainable Operations
Автор: S. Ganesh Kumar, Marco Rivera Abarca, S.K. Patnaik
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
ISBN: 9781119791911
Год: 2023
Страниц: 824
Формат: PDF
Размер: 201 Mб
Язык: English

Written and edited by a group of experts in the field, this groundbreaking reference work sets the standard for engineers, students, and professionals working with power converters, drives, and controls, offering the scientific community a way towards combating sustainable operations

Уроки по САПР P-CAD и SPECCTRA (2016)
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Название: Уроки по САПР P-CAD и SPECCTRA
Автор: Мактас М.Я.
Издательство: СОЛОН-Пресс
Год: 2016
Cтраниц: 223
Формат: pdf
Размер: 41 мб
Язык: русский

В пособии на примере конкретной электрической схемы с использованием дидактического приема «делай как я» излагается весь цикл проектирования узла многослойной печатной платы РЭС с помощью САПР P-CAD (любых версий) и программы SPECCTRA. В нем рассмотрен такой маршрут проектирования, при котором задействованы все основные программные модули систем. Подобная форма изложения демонстрирует читателю возможности модулей и одновременно позволяет освоить работу с ними.

How Circuits Work: Amplifiers, Filters, Audio and Control Electronics
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How Circuits Work: Amplifiers, Filters, Audio and Control ElectronicsНазвание: How Circuits Work: Amplifiers, Filters, Audio and Control Electronics
Автор: Stanislaw Raczynski
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2023
Страниц: 169
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 23.9 MB

This book helps readers understand the basic concepts of electronic circuits. The emphasis is on amplifiers, filters and audio circuits. Other applications such as oscillators, multivibrators, logic and control circuits are also included. Although basic concepts are presented with the necessary theoretical background, the author uses descriptions of basic electronic circuits in a very compact form and the circuit functions are described in a very accessible manner. The purpose of this book is to provide comprehensive and compact information on the concepts and devices in the field of basic electronics. Most used and important circuits are discussed, with an explanation of their functioning, from the practical point of view. However, to understand how circuits work, certain general theoretical background and knowledge are needed.