АППАРАТУРА » Страница 69
500 схем для радиолюбителей: Шпионские штучки и не только
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Название: 500 схем для радиолюбителей: Шпионские штучки и не только
Автор: В. Белолапотков, А. Семьян
Издательство: НиТ
Год: 2007
Cтраниц: 288
Формат: pdf
Размер: 12 мб
Язык: русский

Книга продолжает ряд тематических изданий в серии "Радиолюбитель". В данной книге представлены схемные решения устройств для получения информации и защиты своей информации от утечки. Приводимого краткого описания вполне достаточно для самостоятельного изготовления понравившейся конструкции. Схемы сопровождаются подробными описаниями, рисунками печатных плат, рекомендациями по сборке и настройке. Схемы на микроконтроллерах сопровождаются листингами программ.

Электронная лаборатория на IBM PC. Инструментальные средства и моделирование элементов практических схем
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Название: Электронная лаборатория на IBM PC. Инструментальные средства и моделирование элементов практических схем
Автор: Карлащук В.И., Карлащук С.В.
Издательство: СОЛОН-Пресс
Год: 2016
Cтраниц: 140
Формат: pdf
Размер: 30 мб
Язык: русский

Книга является приложением к одноименному двухтомнику 6-го издания. В ней рассмотрены возможности использования аудио карты IBM PC (на примере SBlive! 5.1 компании Creative Technology Ltd.) для создания измерительного комплекса в составе осциллографа, генератора сигналов различной формы, спектроанализатора, измерителя АЧХ-ФЧХ и др., а также примеры использования программы Electronics Workbench для моделирования элементов при разработке практических схем, в частности, системы охранной сигнализации и зарядно-восстановительного устройства для малогабаритных аккумуляторов.

Методы компьютерной обработки сигналов систем радиосвязи
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Название: Методы компьютерной обработки сигналов систем радиосвязи
Автор: Степанов А.В., Матвеев С.А.
Издательство: СОЛОН-Пресс
Год: 2016
Cтраниц: 208
Формат: pdf
Размер: 35 мб
Язык: русский

Книга посвящена методам цифровой обработки сигналов (ЦОС) систем радиосвязи. Уделено внимание ЦОС с использованием ПЭВМ, анализу сигналов, вопросам их помехоустойчивой обработки и демодуляции, а также практической реализации компьютерной обработки сигналов систем радиосвязи. Предназначена для специалистов в области создания, эксплуатации и контроля работы систем радиосвязи, а также для студентов высших учебных заведений соответствующих специальностей.

Semiconductor Microchips and Fabrication: A Practical Guide to Theory and Manufacturing
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Semiconductor Microchips and Fabrication: A Practical Guide to Theory and ManufacturingНазвание: Semiconductor Microchips and Fabrication: A Practical Guide to Theory and Manufacturing
Автор: Yaguang Lian
Издательство: Wiley-IEEE Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 320
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 118.8 MB

Semiconductor Microchips and Fabrication Advanced and highly illustrated guide to semiconductor manufacturing from an experienced industry insider. Semiconductor Microchips and Fabrication is a practical yet advanced book on the theory, design, and manufacturing of semiconductor microchips that describes the process using the principles of physics and chemistry, fills in the knowledge gaps for professionals and students who need to know how manufacturing equipment works, and provides valuable suggestions and solutions to many problems that students or engineers often encounter in semiconductor processing, including useful experiment results to help in process work. Through Semiconductor Microchips and Fabrication, readers can obtain the fundamental knowledge and skills of semiconductor manufacturing, which will help them better understand and use semiconductor technology to improve their product quality or project research. Before approaching this text, readers should have basic knowledge of physics, chemistry, and circuitry.

The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, 10th Edition
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The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, 10th EditionНазвание: The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, 10th Edition
Автор: Roland E. Thomas, Albert J. Rosa
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2023
Страниц: 1106
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 93.7 MB

Textbook covering the fundamentals of circuit analysis and design, now with additional examples, exercises, and problems. The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, 10th Edition, taps into engineering students desire to explore, create, and put their learning into practice by presenting linear circuit theory, with an emphasis on circuit analysis and how to evaluate competing designs. The text integrates active and passive linear circuits, allowing students to understand and design a wide range of circuits, solve analytical problems, and devise solutions to problems. The authors use both phasors and Laplace techniques for AC circuits, enabling better understanding of frequency response, filters, AC power, and transformers. The authors have increased the integration of MATLAB and Multisim in the text and revised content to be up-to-date with technology when appropriate. The text uses a structured pedagogy where objectives are stated in each chapter opener and examples and exercises are developed so that the students achieve mastery of each objective. The available problems revisit each objective and a suite of problems of increasing complexity task the students to check their understanding.

Fields and Waves in Electromagnetic Communications
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Fields and Waves in Electromagnetic CommunicationsНазвание: Fields and Waves in Electromagnetic Communications
Автор: Nemai Chandra Karmakar
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2023
Страниц: 711
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 54,7 MB

A vital resource that comprehensively covers advanced topics in applied electromagnetics for the professional. Electromagnetism (EM) is a highly abstract and complex subject that examines how exerting a force on charged particles is affected by the presence and motion of adjacent particles. The interdependence of the time varying electric and magnetic fields—one producing the other, and vice versa—has allowed researchers to consider them as a single coherent entity: the electromagnetic field. Under this umbrella, students can learn about numerous and varied topics, such as wireless propagation, satellite communications, microwave technology, EM techniques, antennas, and optics, among many others. Fields and Waves in Electromagnetic Communications covers advanced topics in applied electromagnetics for the professional by offering a comprehensive textbook that covers the basics of EM to the most advanced topics such as the classical electron theory of matters, the mechanics model and macroscopic model. Specifically, the book provides a welcome all-in-one source on wireless and guided EM that deals in a wide range of subjects: transmission lines, impedance matching techniques, metallic waveguides, resonators, optical waveguides, optical fibres, antennas, antenna arrays, wireless systems, and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and more.

Understanding Position Sensors
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Understanding Position SensorsНазвание: Understanding Position Sensors
Автор: David S. Nyce
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 432
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 27.0 MB

As the definitive resource on position sensing technology, Understanding Position Sensors encompasses all aspects necessary for a full understanding of the field, with topics of background, operational theory, design, and application. While grasping the theory of technologies used in the measurement of linear and angular/rotary position sensors, the reader will also learn about terminology, interfacing, testing, and other valuable concepts that are useful in the understanding of sensors in general. The first three chapters provide readers with the necessary background information on sensors. These chapters review the working definitions and conventions used in sensing technology; specification of position sensors and the effect on performance; and sensor output types, plus an extensive section covering communication protocols. The remaining chapters describe each separate sensor technology in detail. These include resistive sensors, cable extension transducers, capacitive sensors, inductive sensors, LVDT and RVDT sensors, distributed impedance sensors, Hall effect sensors, magnetoresistive sensors, magnetostrictive sensors, linear and rotary encoders, optical triangulation position sensors, and ultrasonic position sensors.

Методы цифровой многопроцессорной обработки ансамблей радиосигналов (2019)
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Название: Методы цифровой многопроцессорной обработки ансамблей радиосигналов
Автор: Литюк В.И., Литюк Л.В.
Издательство: СОЛОН-Пресс
Год: 2019
Cтраниц: 590
Формат: pdf
Размер: 52 мб
Язык: русский

Монография посвящена вопросам обработки на цифровых многопроцессорных вычислительных системах (МВС) ансамблей радиосигналов, полоса которых превышает быстродействие используемых цифровых функциональных узлов в заданное число раз. При этом обработка может осуществляться как в режиме работы вычислительной системы «скачущее» окно, так и «скользящее», причем сигналы могут быть представлены как в многоразрядной, так и в бинарно-квантованной формах.

A Hands-On Course in Sensors Using the Arduino and Raspberry Pi, 2nd Edition
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A Hands-On Course in Sensors Using the Arduino and Raspberry Pi, 2nd EditionНазвание: A Hands-On Course in Sensors Using the Arduino and Raspberry Pi, 2nd Edition
Автор: Volker Ziemann
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 311
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 17.5 MB

A Hands-On Course in Sensors Using the Arduino and Raspberry Pi is the first book to give a practical and wide-ranging account of how to interface sensors and actuators with micro-controllers, Raspberry Pi and other control systems. The author describes the progression of raw signals through conditioning stages, digitization, data storage and presentation. The collection, processing, and understanding of sensor data plays a central role in industrial and scientific activities. This book builds simplified models of large industrial or scientific installations that contain hardware and other building blocks, including services for databases, web servers, control systems, and messaging brokers. A range of case studies are included within the book, including a weather station, ground-vibration measurements, impedance measurements, interfacing medical sensors to web browsers, the profile of a laser beam, and a remote-controlled and fire-seeking robot.

Biological Intelligence for Biomimetic Robots: An Introduction to Synthetic Neuroethology
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Biological Intelligence for Biomimetic Robots: An Introduction to Synthetic NeuroethologyНазвание: Biological Intelligence for Biomimetic Robots: An Introduction to Synthetic Neuroethology
Автор: Joseph Ayers
Издательство: The MIT Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 376
Язык: английский
Формат: epub (true)
Размер: 74.2 MB

An introduction to how neuroethology can inform the development of robots controlled by synaptic networks instead of algorithms, from a pioneer in biorobotics. The trait most fundamental to the evolution of animals is the capability to adapt to novel circumstances in unpredictable environments. Recent advances in biomimetics have made it feasible to construct robots modeled on such unsupervised autonomous behavior, and animal models provide a library of existence proofs. Filling an important gap in the field, this introductory textbook illuminates how neurobiological principles can inform the development of robots that are controlled by synaptic networks, as opposed to algorithms. Joseph Ayers provides a comprehensive overview of the sensory and motor systems of a variety of model biological systems and shows how their behaviors may be implemented in artificial systems, such as biomimetic robots.