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Спутниковая навигация. Методы и средства (2016)
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Название: Спутниковая навигация. Методы и средства
Автор: Карлащук В.И.
Издательство: СОЛОН-Пресс
Год: 2016
Cтраниц: 283
Формат: pdf
Размер: 61 мб
Язык: русский

Книга посвящена описанию спутниковых радионавигационных систем GPS-NAVSTAR (США) и ГЛОНАСС (Россия) и их применению в различных системах определения координат. В книге приведены краткие сведения из геодезии, необходимые для понимания задач, решаемых при определении местоположения различных объектов, и описание навигационных программ OziExplorer, НАВИТЕЛ НАВИГАТОР, ГИС Русса, PocketGPS Pro, ПалмГИСGPS и др., широко используемых в переносных и карманных компьютерах, коммуникаторах и навигаторах с функцией учета дорожной обстановки (включая пробки), а также популярный картографический редактор MapEdit для создания собственных карт (включая маршрутизируемые) и их представления в различных картографических форматах.

Practical Digital Design: An Introduction to VHDL
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Practical Digital Design: An Introduction to VHDLНазвание: Practical Digital Design: An Introduction to VHDL
Автор: Bruce Reidenbach
Издательство: Purdue University Press
Год: 2022
Страниц: 445
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 21.0 MB

The VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) is one of the two most popular languages used to design digital logic circuits. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the syntax and the most commonly used features of VHDL. It also presents a formal digital design process and the best-case design practices that have been developed over more than twenty-five years of VHDL design experience by the author in military ground and satellite communication systems. Unlike other books on this subject, this real-world professional experience captures not only the what of VHDL, but also the how. Throughout the book, recommended methods for performing digital design are presented along with the common pitfalls and the techniques used to successfully avoid them. Several brief references are made to object oriented programming, but knowledge or experience with an OOP language such as C++ or Java is not a requirement.

Advanced Digital System Design using SoC FPGAs: An Integrated Hardware/Software Approach
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Advanced Digital System Design using SoC FPGAs: An Integrated Hardware/Software ApproachНазвание: Advanced Digital System Design using SoC FPGAs: An Integrated Hardware/Software Approach
Автор: Ross K. Snider
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2023
Страниц: 435
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 12.5 MB

This textbook teaches students techniques for the design of advanced digital systems using System-on-Chip (SoC) Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The author demonstrates design of custom hardware components for the FPGA fabric using VHDL, with implementation of custom hardware-software interfaces. Readers gain hands-on experience by writing programs and Linux device drivers in C to interact with custom hardware. This textbook enables laboratory experience in the design of custom digital systems using SoC FPGAs, emphasizing computational tasks such as digital signal processing, audio, or video processing.

Frontiers of Quality Electronic Design (QED): AI, IoT and Hardware Security
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Frontiers of Quality Electronic Design (QED): AI, IoT and Hardware SecurityНазвание: Frontiers of Quality Electronic Design (QED): AI, IoT and Hardware Security
Автор: Ali Iranmanesh
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2023
Страниц: 619
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 23.6 MB

Quality Electronic Design (QED)’s landscape spans a vast region where territories of many participating disciplines and technologies overlap. This book explores the latest trends in several key topics related to quality electronic design, with emphasis on Hardware Security, Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, and application of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The book includes topics in nonvolatile memories (NVM), Internet of Things (IoT), FPGA, and Neural Networks. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have gained popularity over the years and slowly made their way into advanced applications like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, cloud services, military, and aerospace. Due to their flexibility in programming, FPGAs have become prevalent in system prototyping, hardware implementation for low-volume products, replacing obsolete components in legacy systems, and implementing hardware security modules.

Multi-Gigahertz Nyquist Analog-to-Digital Converters
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Multi-Gigahertz Nyquist Analog-to-Digital ConvertersНазвание: Multi-Gigahertz Nyquist Analog-to-Digital Converters: Architecture and Circuit Innovations in Deep-Scaled CMOS and FinFET Technologies
Автор: Athanasios T. Ramkaj, Marcel J.M. Pelgrom, Michiel S.J. Steyaert
Издательство: Springer
Серия: Analog Circuits and Signal Processing
Год: 2023
Страниц: 289
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 23.6 MB

This book proposes innovative circuit, architecture, and system solutions in deep-scaled CMOS and FinFET technologies, which address the challenges in maximizing the accuracy/speed/power of multi-GHz sample rate and bandwidth Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC)s. A new holistic approach is introduced that first identifies the major error sources of a converter’ building blocks, and quantitatively analyzes their impact on the overall performance, establishing the fundamental circuit-imposed accuracy – speed – power limits. The analysis extends to the architecture level, by introducing a mathematical framework to estimate and compare the accuracy – speed – power limits of several ADC architectures and variants. To gain system-level insight, time-interleaving is covered in detail, and a framework is also introduced to compare key metrics of interleaver architectures quantitatively. The impact of technology is also considered by adding process effects from several deep-scaled CMOS technologies.

Практические советы по ремонту бытовой радиоэлектронной аппаратуры (в 2-х книгах)
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Название: Практические советы по ремонту бытовой радиоэлектронной аппаратуры (в 2-х книгах)
Автор: Столовых А.М.
Издательство: СОЛОН-Пресс
Год: 2002, 2005
Cтраниц: 320
Формат: pdf
Размер: 128 мб

Настоящая книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей, профессионально занимающихся ремонтом бытовой электронной техники. Также эта книга может быть полезна тем, кто хочет сам освоить ремонт аппаратуры, находящейся в домашнем пользовании, но не имеет достаточного опыта в этом деле.

MATLAB LTE Toolbox User’s Guide (R2022b)
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MATLAB LTE Toolbox User’s Guide (R2022b)Название: MATLAB LTE Toolbox User’s Guide (R2022b)
Автор: MathWorks
Издательство: The MathWorks, Inc.
Год: September 2022
Страниц: 852
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.2 MB

Simulate, analyze, and test the physical layer of LTE and LTE-Advanced wireless communications systems. LTE Toolbox provides standard-compliant functions and apps for the design, simulation, and verification of LTE, LTE-Advanced, and LTE-Advanced Pro communications systems. The toolbox accelerates LTE algorithm and physical layer (PHY) development, supports golden reference verification and conformance testing, and enables test waveform generation. With the toolbox you can configure, simulate, measure, and analyze end-to-end communications links. You can also create and reuse a conformance test bench to verify that your designs, prototypes, and implementations comply with the LTE standard. Using LTE Toolbox with RF instruments or hardware support packages, you can connect transmitter and receiver models to radio devices and verify your designs via over-the-air transmission and reception.

Electronic Measurements: Measurement Theory, Circuits and Sensors
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Electronic Measurements: Measurement Theory, Circuits and SensorsНазвание: Electronic Measurements: Measurement Theory, Circuits and Sensors
Автор: Geert Langereis
Издательство: bookboon.com
Год: 2020
Страниц: 143
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10.2 MB

In our information age, the probing of data is the elementary source for understanding the world around us. In most technical systems, these measurements are done by electronic systems. This book teaches the fundamentals of measurements, the technology of sensors, and the fundamentals of electronic circuits. The measurement system is approached as a chain to convert a physical quantity via an electronic sensor setup into a digital bus signal. Extra focus is on the management of measurement errors, circuit theory and the sensor as an electronic transducer.

Embedded Systems Design using the MSP430FR2355 LaunchPad, 2nd Edition
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Embedded Systems Design using the MSP430FR2355 LaunchPad, 2nd EditionНазвание: Embedded Systems Design using the MSP430FR2355 LaunchPad, 2nd Edition
Автор: Brock J. LaMeres
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2023
Страниц: 479
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 44.3 MB

This textbook for courses in Embedded Systems introduces students to necessary concepts, through a hands-on approach. Embedded computers represent one of the most pervasive technologies of our time. When most people think of computers, they think of their laptops and workstations, or even the servers that are the backbone of the Internet; however, when one begins to contemplate how many technologies around them use small, inexpensive computers embedded as their “brains,” one begins to more fully understand the magnitude of how many embedded computers exist in our society. If you look around any room you will see technology that is so commonplace, you may not even realize that most of it is run by an internal computer. Technologies such as appliances, thermostats, handheld devices, projectors, televisions, personal assistants, and radios all have small computers within them that control their operation. One reason for a new book in this area is creating comprehensive content around a widely popular embedded computer, the Texas Instruments MSP430. The MSP430 is a modern computer platform that is mature in the market and has a great deal of technical and educational support behind it.

Make Your Own PC For Beginners - 13th Edition, 2023
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Make Your Own PC For Beginners - 13th Edition, 2023Название: Make Your Own PC For Beginners - 13th Edition, 2023
Автор: Papercut Limited
Издательство: Papercut Limited
Год: 2023
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 33.6 MB

Make Your Own PC For Beginners is the first and only choice if you want to save money by building your own PC! Whether you have never seen the inside of a computer or you have some basic knowledge, this guide is the perfect way to increase your understanding and bolster your confidence in PC building. Starting with the crucial planning stage this edition will get you well on your way to building a brilliant first PC.