КУЛИНАРИЯ » Страница 26
A Timeless Vintage Cookbook: Revisiting Old-School Culinary Delights (Tasty Recipes from the Past)
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Название: A Timeless Vintage Cookbook: Revisiting Old-School Culinary Delights (Tasty Recipes from the Past)
Автор: Josephine Ellise
Издательство: Josephine Ellise
Год: 2023
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 89
Размер: 10,9 МБ
Язык: Английский

There have always been people who liked and hated certain foods. We wouldn't dream of eating some of the things our grandparents ate as kids. Historically, people either ate what was provided for them or went hungry. No McD's to be found! Dishes from many eras are included in “A Timeless Vintage Cookbook” A variety of sweets, meats, grains, and greens are available. Only a few of these recipes have made it through the ages.

The Ultimate Japanese Recipe Book - Guaranteed to Satisfy!: Easy and Delicious Must-Try Japanese Dishes
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Название: The Ultimate Japanese Recipe Book - Guaranteed to Satisfy!: Easy and Delicious Must-Try Japanese Dishes
Автор: Josephine Ellise
Издательство: Josephine Ellise
Год: 2023
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 69
Размер: 16,2 МБ
Язык: Английский

I'm hoping you'll use this Book “The Japanese Cookbook Recipes: Guaranteed to Satisfy!” as a springboard to learning more about Japanese cooking. The cuisine of Japan is known for its ease, speed, and deliciousness. They offer a healthy, convenient dinner choice for those late evenings at the office and a pleasant, sophisticated surprise for guests.

A Pan-Asian Cookbook: Unlock the Secrets of Asian Cuisine with these Easy-to-Make Recipes!
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Название: A Pan-Asian Cookbook: Unlock the Secrets of Asian Cuisine with these Easy-to-Make Recipes!
Автор: Josephine Ellise
Издательство: Josephine Ellise
Год: 2023
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 113
Размер: 10,1 МБ
Язык: Английский

Are you drawn to the exotic flavors of Oriental cuisine and yearning to sample some truly transcendent Asian delicacies? Here lies an assortment of pan-continental delicacies that will whisk you away on a culinary tour of Asia right from your home. It achieves the perfect balance between flavor and nourishment with ease. These perennial Asian delicacies are wholesome, nutritious, and divine.

Запечь за 30 минут! Ленивые ужины со всего света
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Название: Запечь за 30 минут! Ленивые ужины со всего света
Автор: Рукмини Айер
Издательство: ХлебСоль
Год: 2023
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 243
Размер: 77 Mb
Язык: Русский

Мы увлечены кулинарией и проявляем живейший интерес к кухням мира. Но домашние дела требуют ежеминутного внимания, а гости между тем должны приехать на ужин через двадцать минут. И тогда на помощь приходят рецепты из этой книги, выбранные заранее для этого вечера. Потому что нужно достать лишь противень или другую любимую жаростойкую посуду, положить в нее мясо и овощи, или грибы и картофель, или рыбу и травы, или любое другое блюдо из 70 предложенных в этой книге. Вы удивитесь сами и удивите друзей скоростью приготовления, отменным вкусом и аппетитным видом, и удовлетворением, которое получат все от ужина, после которого останется вымыть лишь противень и пустые бокалы.

Louisiana Cajun Cookbook - A Delectable Journey Through Bayou Country: A Culinary Exploration of Louisiana's Rich Cuisine
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Название: Louisiana Cajun Cookbook - A Delectable Journey Through Bayou Country: A Culinary Exploration of Louisiana's Rich Cuisine
Автор: Josephine Ellise
Издательство: Josephine Ellise
Год: 2023
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 59
Размер: 12,9 МБ
Язык: Английский

When you think of Louisiana-style cooking, you will be transported to a world that is all about spices and flavors. Think of dishes and ingredients such as Jambalaya, Crawfish, Andouille, and many more mouthwatering dishes! These dishes are characterized by the slow-cooked ingredients used in them that when used all together bring out their full flavor.

Twochubbycubs Full-on Flavour: 100+ tasty, slimming meals under 500 calories
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Название: Twochubbycubs Full-on Flavour: 100+ tasty, slimming meals under 500 calories
Автор: James Anderson, Paul Anderson
Издательство: Yellow Kite
Год: 2023
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 256
Размер: 18,0 МБ
Язык: Английский

James and Paul, also known as the Twochubbycubs (triple Sunday Times Bestsellers mind you, no less), are finally back with their latest serving of flavoursome and filling recipes that are designed with one thing in mind: to give you delicious slimming dinners, lovely lunches and bangin' breakfasts without ever feeling like you're on a diet.

A Low-Carb Cookbook for Foodies: Mouth-Watering Recipes for a Low-Carb Lifestyle
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Название: A Low-Carb Cookbook for Foodies: Mouth-Watering Recipes for a Low-Carb Lifestyle
Автор: Josephine Ellise
Издательство: Josephine Ellise
Год: 2023
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 129
Размер: 11,9 МБ
Язык: Английский

Explore our curated collection of 30 appetizing low-carb recipes, ideal as tasty sides, bites, or full-course dinners, sure to satiate your taste buds without breaking your Keto diet routine. If you find yourself struggling with weight loss due to lackluster meal options, then look no further! Our collection of quick and delicious low-carb recipes featuring flavors from Mexico and Italy is just what you need.

The Ultimate DIY Organic Cookbook: Recipes to Cut Store-Bought Ingredients
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Название: The Ultimate DIY Organic Cookbook: Recipes to Cut Store-Bought Ingredients
Автор: Josephine Ellise
Издательство: Josephine Ellise
Год: 2023
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 63
Размер: 12,5 МБ
Язык: Английский

Do you want to learn how to break away from eating overly processed foods but don’t know how to start Whether you want to eat more organic foods due to a specialty diet or just because you want to be healthier than you need to get this book! This book will show you how to make more than 25 staple foods all without using processed ingredients.

Русская кухня: Традиции, Праздники, Обычаи, Обряды
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Название: Русская кухня: Традиции, Праздники, Обычаи, Обряды
Автор: Ляховская Л. П., Люблинская Л.
Издательство: М. : Эксмо
Год: 2012
Cтраниц: 304, цвет.ил.
Формат: pdf
Размер: 74 мб
Язык: русский

Лидия Петровна Ляховская – известный автор, написавший множество книг по кулинарии и особенно по русской кухне. В новой книге представлены восемь глав, отражающие её важнейшие направления и посвящённые: закускам, картофелю с овощами и грибами, кашам и супам, мясным и рыбным вторым блюдам, постным и праздничным блюдам, чаепитию! Рецепты снабжены авторскими примечаниями и рекомендациями. Книга прекрасно иллюстрирована авторскими фото.

On Baking: A Textbook of Baking and Pastry Fundamentals, 3rd Updated Edition
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Название: On Baking: A Textbook of Baking and Pastry Fundamentals, 3rd Updated Edition
Автор: Sarah Labensky, Priscilla Martel, Eddy Van Damme
Издательство: Pearson
ISBN: 0133886751
Год: 2015
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 860
Размер: 102,0 МБ
Язык: Английский

This comprehensive text is designed for courses in baking and the pastry arts, yet still accessible to the aspiring home baker. Help readers understand the how and why of successful baking. On Baking, Third Edition, Update enhances the fundamentals approach that has prepared thousands of students for successful careers in the baking and pastry arts. It teaches both the how and why, starting with general procedures, highlighting core principles and skills, and then presenting applications and sample recipes.