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Generative AI in Action (Final Release)
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Название: Generative AI in Action (Final Release)
Автор: Amit Bahree
Издательство: Manning Publications
Год: 2024
Страниц: 466
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 29.3 MB

Generative AI can transform your business by streamlining the process of creating text, images, and code. This book will show you how to get in on the action! GenAI has created new opportunities for organizations of all sizes. You can easily use tools like ChatGPT, Bard, and Stable Diffusion to generate text and images for product catalogs, marketing campaigns, technical reporting, and other common tasks. Coding assistants like Copilot are accelerating productivity in software teams. In this insightful book, author Amit Bahree shares his experience leading Generative AI projects at Microsoft for nearly a decade, starting well before the current GPT revolution. The book teaches you how to create and use generative models for tasks and use cases. It focuses on this technology’s practical and hands-on aspects and how it works. It does not dive deep into the science, but it references the papers and scientific breakthroughs that have helped develop some of the technology—you can see these at the end of the book. This book is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of generative AI and its potential within an enterprise context. It explores foundational models, large language models, and related algorithms and architectures, offering readers a thorough grasp of these advanced technologies. Practical insights and examples are provided to help develop and deploy generative AI models, ensuring that readers can apply these concepts in real-world scenarios. Advanced topics such as prompt engineering, retrieval-augmented generation, and model adaptation are discussed in detail, giving readers an in-depth understanding of these cutting-edge techniques. For enterprise architects and senior developers interested in upgrading their architectures with generative AI.

Build a Large Language Model (From Scratch) (Final Release)
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Название: Build a Large Language Model (From Scratch) (Final Release)
Автор: Sebastian Raschka
Издательство: Manning Publications
Год: 2025
Страниц: 370
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 17.3 MB

Learn how to create, train, and tweak large language models (LLMs) by building one from the ground up! In Build a Large Language Model (from Scratch) bestselling author Sebastian Raschka guides you step by step through creating your own LLM. Each stage is explained with clear text, diagrams, and examples. You’ll go from the initial design and creation, to pretraining on a general corpus, and on to fine-tuning for specific tasks. Build a Large Language Model (from Scratch) takes you inside the AI black box to tinker with the internal systems that power generative AI. As you work through each key stage of LLM creation, you’ll develop an in-depth understanding of how LLMs work, their limitations, and their customization methods. Your LLM can be developed on an ordinary laptop, and used as your own personal assistant. Physicist Richard P. Feynman reportedly said, “I don’t understand anything I can’t build.” Based on this same powerful principle, bestselling author Sebastian Raschka guides you step by step as you build a GPT-style LLM that you can run on your laptop. This is an engaging book that covers each stage of the process, from planning and coding to training and fine-tuning. Build a Large Language Model (From Scratch) is a practical and eminently-satisfying hands-on journey into the foundations of generative AI. Without relying on any existing LLM libraries, you’ll code a base model, evolve it into a text classifier, and ultimately create a chatbot that can follow your conversational instructions. And you’ll really understand it because you built it yourself! Readers need intermediate Python skills and some knowledge of machine learning. The LLM you create will run on any modern laptop and can optionally utilize GPUs.

Хронический запор: методические рекомендации
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Хронический запор: методические рекомендации
Название: Хронический запор: методические рекомендации
Автор: Парфенов А.И., Индейкина Л.Х., Беляева А.А., Павлов М.В., Орлова Н.В., Атрощенко А.О., Михайлянц Г.С, Фирсова Л.Д.
Издательство: М.: Прима Принт
Год: 2016
Страниц: 52
Формат: pdf
Размер: 11,0 Мб
Язык: Русский

В Римский консенсус IV (2016 г.) по проблемам функциональных заболеваний ЖКТ в определение хронического запора вошли следующие симптомы: менее 3 дефекаций в неделю; отделение кала большой плотности; отсутствие ощущения полного опорожнения кишечника после дефекации; наличие чувства «блокировки» содержимого в прямой кишке при потугах; необходимость в сильных потугах и др.

Revolutionizing Communication: The Role of Artificial Intelligence
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Название: Revolutionizing Communication: The Role of Artificial Intelligence
Автор: Raquel V. Benítez Rojas, Francisco-​Julián Martínez-​Cano
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2025
Страниц: 203
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 19.9 MB

Revolutionizing Communication: The Role of Artificial Intelligence explores the wide-ranging effects of AI on how we connect and communicate, changing social interactions, relationships, and the very structure of our society. Through insightful analysis, practical examples, and knowledgeable perspectives, the book examines chatbots, virtual assistants, natural language processing (NLP), and more. It shows how these technologies have a significant impact on cultural productions, business, education, ethics, advertising, media, journalism, and interpersonal interactions. Revolutionizing Communication is a guide to comprehending the present and future of communication in the era of AI. It provides invaluable insights for professionals, academics, and everyone interested in the significant changes occurring in our digital age. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of Computer Science that deals with the creation of intelligent machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing images, and making decisions.

Building Large Scale Web Apps : A React field guide
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Название: Building Large Scale Web Apps : A React field guide
Автор: Addy Osmani, Hassan Djirdeh
Издательство: Leanpub
Год: 2024-08-31
Страниц: 388
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 78.9 MB

This book is designed to be a resource that provides a set of tools and techniques to successfully navigate the challenges of building large-scale, maintainable, and scalable jаvascript web applications using React. Many of the ideas apply more broadly. In the first half of the book, we delve into the essentials, adopting a practical, example-led strategy. We start with the basics of understanding how software complexity can be managed before addressing key concepts such as design systems, data fetching, and state management, ensuring you understand how to structure and scale your React applications effectively. After closing the first part, we explore other topics like translation and internationalization (i18n), and how code folders and files can be neatly organized. In the second half of the book, we dive into more sophisticated areas necessary for full-scale application development. Here, we tackle the challenges of personalization, A/B testing, scalable web architecture, and caching strategies. You’ll learn how to approach technical migrations, ensuring that your application remains cutting-edge and maintainable. Finally, we conclude by discussing the advantages TypeScript provides in making React code “safe” and the importance of testing.

The Fundamentals of Tabletop Miniatures Game Design: A Designer's Handbook
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Название: The Fundamentals of Tabletop Miniatures Game Design: A Designer's Handbook
Автор: Glenn Ford, Mike Hutchinson
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2025
Страниц: 252
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 12.9 MB

This book presents a much-needed framework for the critical examination of miniatures games and their design. It provides the reader with both a conceptual model for understanding how these games work as well as a toolbox of mechanical approaches to achieving a range of design outcomes and assessing the fit of any given approach within a specific design. Though dating back to the 1820s, tabletop miniatures games have been little explored critically and lack a conceptual vocabulary for their discussion. Active practitioners in the miniature games design community, Glenn Ford and Mike Hutchinson explore what defines these games, proposing the term ‘non-discrete miniatures games’ to encapsulate the essence of these open and immersive hobby gaming experiences. Discarding the term ‘wargame’, they argue against limiting conceptions of these games to direct armed conflict, and champion their diverse narrative potential. The book provides a fresh conceptual framework for miniatures games, abstracting the concepts of positioning and moving markers non-discretely across scale-modelled environments into inclusive and generalised terminology, untethering them from their roots as military simulations and providing the foundations for a fresh consideration of miniatures games design. Written for game designers, and with a foreword by Gav Thorpe, The Fundamentals of Tabletop Miniatures Game Design is a handbook for those that wish to design better miniatures games.

Радиационная, ультразвуковая и магнитная дефектоскопия металлоизделий
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Радиационная, ультразвуковая и магнитная дефектоскопия металлоизделий
Название: Радиационная, ультразвуковая и магнитная дефектоскопия металлоизделий
Автор: Н.П. Алешин, В.Г. Щербинский
Издательство: Высшая школа
Год издания: 1991
Количество страниц: 273
Язык: русский
Формат: DjVu
Размер: 10,13 Мб

Приведены сведения о дефектах, встречающихся при изготовлении деталей литьем, плавлением, давлением, а также в конструкциях, наготовленных различными способами сварки и пайки; рассмотрены оборудование и методики указанных способов дефектоскопии; особое внимание уделено технологическим приемам и особенностям проведения контроля.
Для учащихся профтехучилищ. Может быть использован при профессиональном обучении рабочих на производстве.

Коли я бачила тебе востаннє - Лів Константін
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Название: Коли я бачила тебе востаннє
Автор: Лів Константін
Серия:«Художня література»
Изд-во: Vivat
Год: 2020
Страниц: 320
Язык: українська
Формат: pdf/djvu/txt
Размер: 22,9 Мб

Життя докторки Кейт Інґліш ідеальне. Вона спадкоємиця великих статків; має чоловіка й доньку, успішну кар’єру й розкішний маєток. Усе змінюється тієї ночі, коли Лілі, матір Кейт, знаходять убитою у власному будинку. На похорон приїздить Блер, подруга, з якою Кейт колись була нерозлучна. Щойно Блер береться до неформального розслідування, стає зрозуміло, що у вищому суспільстві Балтимора не все так просто. Оприявнюються невірність, брехня і зрада, а напруженість досягає точки кипіння.
Своїми запитаннями Блер налаштовує подругу проти родичів і друзів. Убивцею може виявитися будь-хто: давній друг, батько, чоловік. Але хай ким він є, очевидно, що Кейт наступна в його списку…

Colourful Modern Calligraphy
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Название: Colourful Modern Calligraphy
Автор: Milly Withers
Издательство: The Crowood Press
Год: September 24, 2024
Размер: 128 Мб
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 128
Язык: Английский

Овладейте искусством современной каллиграфии и используйте цвет для создания своего собственного уникального стиля. В этой книге рассказывается об основах современной каллиграфии, о каждом штрихе и форме букв, даются полезные советы и руководства. Но он делает гораздо больше, показывая вам, как создавать дизайн и использовать цвет, чтобы оживить ваши слова на бумаге. В нем, наполненном энтузиазмом автора, представлены десять проектов, которые демонстрируют, как достичь профессиональных результатов, как по-новому использовать каллиграфию и как создать уникальный стиль для своей работы.

Getting (more out of) Graphics: Practice and Principles of Data Visualisation
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Название: Getting (more out of) Graphics: Practice and Principles of Data Visualisation
Автор: Antony Unwin
Издательство: CRC Press
Серия: Data Science Series
Год: 2024
Страниц: 447
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub (true)
Размер: 62.7 MB

Data graphics are used extensively to present information. Understanding graphics is a lot about understanding the data represented by the graphics, having a feel not just for the numbers themselves, the reliability and uncertainty associated with them, but also for what they mean. This book presents a practical approach to data visualisation with real applications front and centre. The first part of the book is a series of case studies, each describing a graphical analysis of a real dataset. The second part pulls together ideas from the case studies and provides an overview of the main factors affecting understanding graphics. There is a range of different software systems for drawing graphics and everyone has to decide for themselves which one(s) they want to use. Getting details right may be easy with one software and difficult with another. New software releases may provide new options and sometimes substantial improvements. How exactly the graphics are drawn is not important, what the graphics look like and whether they achieve the aims they are intended to is. This book is primarily about how to interpret graphics, not so much about how to draw them. The graphics in this book have all been drawn with R. Other software could be used to draw the same or similar graphics; in some cases, it might be easier, in others harder. Use the software that suits you best. The R code for the book can be found in the gitbook version on the web. You will need to have some knowledge and experience of working with R (R Core Team) and the group of R packages known as the Tidyverse. Some users prefer base R for drawing their graphics and may use packages such as lattice and vcd.