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Humanities Data in R: Exploring Networks, Geospatial Data, Images, and Text, 2nd Edition
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Название: Humanities Data in R: Exploring Networks, Geospatial Data, Images, and Text, 2nd Edition
Автор: Taylor Arnold, Lauren Tilton
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2024
Страниц: 287
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 50.7 MB

This book teaches readers to integrate data analysis techniques into humanities research practices using the R programming language. Methods for general-purpose visualization and analysis are introduced first, followed by domain-specific techniques for working with networks, text, geospatial data, temporal data, and images. The book is designed to be a bridge between quantitative and qualitative methods, individual and collaborative work, and the humanities and social sciences. The second edition of the text is a significant revision, with almost every aspect of the text rewritten in some way. The most notable difference is the incorporation of new R packages such as ggplot2 and dplyr that center broad data-science concepts. This 2nd edition of Humanities Data with R does not presuppose background programming experience. Early chapters take readers from R set-up to exploratory data analysis, with one chapter dedicated to each stage of the data-science pipeline (data collection, visualization, manipulation, and relational joins). Following this, text analysis, networks, temporal data, geospatial data, and image analysis each have a dedicated chapter. These are grounded in examples to move readers beyond the intimidation of adding new tools to their research. The final section of the book extends the core material with additional computer science techniques for processing large datasets.

Basics of Programming and Algorithms, Principles and Applications
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Название: Basics of Programming and Algorithms, Principles and Applications
Автор: Roberto Mantaci, Jean-Baptiste Yunès
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2024
Страниц: 365
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 27.7 MB

This textbook offers an introduction to topics in algorithms and programming with Python. It is originally intended for mathematical students not sufficiently aware about these Computer Science fields seeking a deeper understanding. It addresses fundamental questions on how to analyze the performance of an algorithm and equips readers with the skills to implement them using Python. The textbook is organized in two parts. Part I introduces Python Programming offering a solid foundation to Python essentials. Topics covered include first steps in Python programming, programs, functions and recursion, data structures. Part II shifts focus to Algorithms and covers topics such as algorithm performance, recursion, the sorting problem, trees as data structures, etc. Writing programs is a hard task that involves many different skills that are not necessarily part of the expertise acquired by undergraduate and even graduate students in scientific fields other than computer science. Here we will focus on: algorithmic, algorithmic analysis and programming (not necessarily in that precise order). Applications and programming considerations will be based on the Python programming language. Python is freely available on every mainstream platform and widely used. Python is a multi-paradigm high-level language. It is used by many people over the world, and scientists in many fields; it is not intended to computerists only. It is a very general-purpose programming language provided with many extensions allowing to solve lots of very different problems. This is why we chose it.

An Introduction to Panel Data QCA in R
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Название: An Introduction to Panel Data QCA in R
Автор: Preya Bhattacharya
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2024
Страниц: 171
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.1 MB

This book discusses and compares four different approaches towards analyzing panel data in Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). It starts by introducing QCA as a research approach, then discusses the most important assumptions, and steps like set-calibration and theory-testing, and finally demonstrates each of the four panel data approaches, in separate chapters. Each chapter provides a step-by-step guide, including codes, sample data, and analysis results, that researchers can follow while building a panel data QCA model. Finally, it compares the strengths and weaknesses of each of these models and suggests scenarios where researchers can apply it. This book is supplemented by online RStudio materials, like datasets, codes, and Markdown documents for each chapter, and can be used as a textbook for introductory and advanced courses on panel-data QCA.

Integration of MTC and Satellites for IoT toward 6G Era
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Название: Integration of MTC and Satellites for IoT toward 6G Era
Автор: Hirley Alves, Konstantin Mikhaylov
Издательство: Wiley-IEEE Press
Год: 2024
Страниц: 454
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 31.3 MB

Comprehensive and authoritative resource paving the way for the integration of machine-type communications (MTC) and satellite connectivity toward 6G era. This book focuses on the integration of machine-type communications (MTC) and satellite connectivity toward the 6th generation of mobile systems (i.e., the “6G”). Integrating these two technologies, especially within the emerging direct-to-satellite (DtS) concept employing direct connectivity between an MTC terminal and a satellite-based gateway, will be critical in enabling the future Internet of Things (IoT) applications in remote areas with limited connectivity infrastructure available. To this end, the book delivers an in-depth analysis of the drivers, use cases, scenarios, technical aspects, cybersecurity, and mechanisms spanning from the physical layer (PHY) to the application layer, regulation, standardization, and potential business models. In addition, many examples, illustrative figures, and tables support the text. The strong tutorial element makes the Integration of MTC and Satellites for IoT toward 6G era a convenient learning resource for students and educators in higher education institutions. Moreover, it is ideal for students obtaining their first professional degree and experts who operate in this or adjacent fields and want to revise and update their knowledge.

Taming Your Dragon: Addressing Your Technical Debt
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Название: Taming Your Dragon: Addressing Your Technical Debt
Автор: Andrew Richard Brown
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2024
Страниц: 372
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10.1 MB

Technical debt is an often-overlooked problem that the software industry needs to take more seriously. All organizations are impacted by it, most wish that they had less of it, but need help in understanding the nature of the beast. This book aims to clear up any misconceptions and show you how to implement a sound technical debt management program to suit your company’s needs. You’ll learn the greatest challenge in solving the technical debt dilemma is not to find solutions to it, but rather to find solutions to the human and organizational issues that lead to that debt. For example, convincing senior stakeholders of the importance of addressing technical debt, getting stakeholders to acknowledge how their actions lead to unintentional debt, and enabling teams to prioritize technical debt over short-term goals. Therefore, this book is divided into three parts: defining technical debt, understanding technical debt, and tackling technical debt. It begins by explaining why technical debt should not be considered a technical problem, but rather a problem of how trade-off decisions are made. You’ll then examine how making decisions using the affect heuristic, more commonly known as a “gut feeling,” can lead to unnecessary technical debt, followed by some techniques for combating your vulnerability to this trap. This book is aimed at people in software teams, both those on projects, who are sometimes making decisions that result in technical debt, as well as those in support of DevOps, who must deal with the consequences of that debt. However, the book is not intended to be used to address that debt directly. Such an approach will not lead to any lasting change. Instead, this book will help you understand technical debt’s underlying causes and then enable you to advocate to stakeholders how you can address those causes in a planned intervention aimed at producing lasting improvement. This book is also aimed at managers and business stakeholders, who wish to understand why software development takes so long and costs so much.

Understanding Fourier Transforms with Python: A Practical Approach
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Название: Understanding Fourier Transforms with Python: A Practical Approach
Автор: Hayden Van Der Post
Издательство: Reactive Publishing
Год: 2024
Страниц: 576
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, azw3, epub, mobi
Размер: 10.1 MB

Unlock the power of one of the most essential tools in signal processing and data analysis with "Understanding Fourier Transforms with Python: A Practical Approach". This indispensable guide dives beyond the basics, welcoming enthusiasts and professionals eager to expand their knowledge and apply sophisticated techniques to their projects. Building on the foundations laid by top-selling introductory texts, this book delves into advanced concepts and practical applications of Fourier transforms using Python, the increasingly popular language of scientific computing. With clear explanations, hands-on examples, and practical insights, you'll discover how to harness the full potential of Fourier analysis to solve complex problems in various domains, from engineering and physics to Data Science and beyond. Whether you're a seasoned professional or an eager learner striving to deepen your understanding of Fourier transforms, this book equips you with the practical knowledge and skills needed to succeed. Embrace the journey of mastery with "Understanding Fourier Transforms with Python: A Practical Approach", and unlock new dimensions of analysis and creativity.

Differential Antennas: Theory and Practice
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Название: Differential Antennas: Theory and Practice
Автор: Yueping Zhang
Издательство: Wiley-IEEE Press
Год: 2024
Страниц: 355
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 36.7 MB

A comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of differential antennas. The first antennas ever created were differential antennas, in the dipole and loop constructions, before the subsequent creation of the single-ended or monopole antenna. Dozens of basic antenna configurations have been invented since then, the majority of them differential. The theory and design of differential antennas therefore has an impact on a huge range of fields which make use of electromagnetic waves. Differential Antennas contains a thorough, comprehensive overview of these antennas, their theory, and their practical applications. It details the relationship between differential and single-ended antennas, which may act as tools for determining the properties of one when the other is known. This book offers an analysis of the role differential antennas play in wireless communication and sensing. Overall, it stands as an essential contribution to a key area of communications technology. Differential Antennas is ideal for senior and graduate level students, researchers, and radio frequency engineers.

Quant Developers' Tools and Techniques in Python: Volume 1
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Название: Quant Developers' Tools and Techniques in Python: Volume 1: Statistics, Visualization, Pandas DataFrame, Simple- & Multiple Linear Regression
Автор: Manfred Hindering
Издательство: Quant Books
Серия: Quant Developers' Tools and Techniques
Год: 2024
Страниц: 860
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 16.3 MB

As a quant developer in the past, it was quite challenging to acquire suitable datasets for any meaningful quantitative analysis. As technological innovations such as decentralized trading platforms occur, more programming savvy traders enter the scene and actively attempting to conquer and master this innovative field. This is in particular true for the crypto markets, where the trading platforms are built with the programmer in mind, therefore it has never been easier to retrieve market data and process it in an automated fashion. As a programmer, times have never been better to make a living by trading and coding - either individually or for trading firms around the world. Technological advances in computing equipment, programming and analytical tools allows the keen programmer to “make a killing” while doing something you enjoy doing. The crypto market, for example, represents an asset class - much like the forex market. However, it is still young and presents its fair share of inefficiencies and idiosyncrasies, which translate into opportunities for the astute quant developer to exploit. This volume introduces the tools and techniques for the programming-oriented developer to take advantages of such opportunities in an automated fashion. The bad news is, in order to succeed in this ever evolving and challenging field, you will have to know a lot of mathematics, statistics, coding, financial & market theory, and so on.

Сенполии, глоксинии и другие геснериевые
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Название: Сенполии, глоксинии и другие геснериевые
Автор: Н.Н.Ширяева
Изд-во: Фитон+
Год: 2002
Страниц: 160
Формат: PDF
Размер: 30 Мб
Язык: русский

Геснериевые - это обширное семейство красивоцветущих растений. Ярчайший представитель его - знакомая всем узамбарская фиалка, или сенполия. В своей книге Надежда Николаевна Ширяева, известный коллекционер узамбарской фиалки, рассказывает о ее многочисленных сородичах. Семейство геснериевых объединяет хорошо известные любителям-цветоводам глоксинию, стрептокарпус, ахименес, а также любимые во всем мире, но пока редкие у нас колерию, колумнею, нематантус, гипоцирту, петрокосмею, хириту. Все они радуют глаз очень красивыми цветками, а некоторые растения, например, эписция, еще и живописными листьями. В книге вы найдете описание многих комнатных растений этого семейства, их видов и сортов, подробные советы по выращиванию, размножению и размещению в интерьере.

Generative AI: Phishing And Cybersecurity Metrics
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Название: Generative AI: Phishing And Cybersecurity Metrics
Автор: Ravindra Das
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2025
Страниц: 177
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.1 MB

The cybersecurity landscape is changing, for sure. For example, one of the oldest threat variants is that of phishing. It evolved in the early 1990s, but even today it is still being used as a primary threat variant and has now become much more sophisticated, covert, and stealthy in nature. For example, it can be used to launch ransomware, social engineering, and extortion attacks. The advent of Generative AI is making this much worse. For example, a cyberattacker can now use something like ChatGPT to craft the content for phishing emails that are so convincing that it is almost impossible to tell the difference between what is real and what is fake. This is also clearly evident in the use of deepfakes, where fake images of real people are replicated to create videos to lure unsuspecting victims to a fake website. But Generative AI can also be used for the good to combat Phishing Attacks. This is the topic of this book. In this, we cover the following: --A review of phishing; - A review of AI, Neural Networks, and Machine Learning; - A review of Natural Language Processing, Generative AI, and the Digital Person; - A proposed solution as to how Generative AI can combat phishing attacks as they relate to Privileged Access accounts.