«Наклей і дізнайся»: Зима на фермі. Зима в лісі
Английский символизм: своеобразие и европейский радиус
Practical Process Design for Chemical Engineers
Coding mit KI für Dummies
Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security and Privacy, 3rd Edition
Торий, его сырьевые ресурсы, химия и технология
Современные системы безопасности - Антитеррор
The Outdoor Gas Griddle Cookbook: Master Your Flat Top Grill with Ultimate Griddling Cookbook
Алгоритмы и модели вычисления (2019)
Программирование в Clojure: Практика применения Lisp в мире Java (2013)
Культура русских поморов (2005)
Украинский легион
Схемы лечения выпадения волос
The Heart Healthy Plant-Based Cookbook
Ленивая выпечка. Сладкий выпуск
Hitler’s Hunting Squad in Southern Europe: The Bloody Path of Fritz Schubert through Occupied Crete and Macedonia
«Наклей і дізнайся»: Зима на фермі. Зима в лісі
Английский символизм: своеобразие и европейский радиус
Practical Process Design for Chemical Engineers
Coding mit KI für Dummies
Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security and Privacy, 3rd Edition
Торий, его сырьевые ресурсы, химия и технология
Современные системы безопасности - Антитеррор
The Outdoor Gas Griddle Cookbook: Master Your Flat Top Grill with Ultimate Griddling Cookbook
Алгоритмы и модели вычисления (2019)
Программирование в Clojure: Практика применения Lisp в мире Java (2013)
Культура русских поморов (2005)
Украинский легион
Схемы лечения выпадения волос
The Heart Healthy Plant-Based Cookbook
Ленивая выпечка. Сладкий выпуск
Hitler’s Hunting Squad in Southern Europe: The Bloody Path of Fritz Schubert through Occupied Crete and Macedonia
Название: Architect Magazine
Год / месяц: June 2020
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 15.1 Mb
Язык: English
Architect Magazine provides a complete suite of information services for the 21st century architect. With breaking news, savvy business tips, and state-of-the-art design inspiration, Architect Magazine is the place to go for professional success. Architect Magazine offers architecture news, market intelligence, business and technology solutions, continuing education, building products, and other resources for practicing architects.
Год / месяц: June 2020
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 15.1 Mb
Язык: English
Architect Magazine provides a complete suite of information services for the 21st century architect. With breaking news, savvy business tips, and state-of-the-art design inspiration, Architect Magazine is the place to go for professional success. Architect Magazine offers architecture news, market intelligence, business and technology solutions, continuing education, building products, and other resources for practicing architects.
Название: Жилая среда
Издательство: Медиа Группа «Файнстрит»
Год / месяц: Апрель-Май 2020
Номер: №04(166)
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 12.9 Mb
На страницах журнала вы найдете информацию о товарах и услугах для качественного ремонта, а также материалы, содержащие экспертные оценки и советы специалистов: строителей, дизайнеров, архитекторов.
Издательство: Медиа Группа «Файнстрит»
Год / месяц: Апрель-Май 2020
Номер: №04(166)
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 12.9 Mb
На страницах журнала вы найдете информацию о товарах и услугах для качественного ремонта, а также материалы, содержащие экспертные оценки и советы специалистов: строителей, дизайнеров, архитекторов.
Название: Lighting & Decor
Номер: May / June
Год: 2020
Страниц: 52
Формат: PDF
Размер: 12 Мб
Язык: английский / English
Lighting & Decor — with a glossy monthly magazine, a responsive, customizable website, weekly e-newsletters, social media and video — covers lighting and fans as well as home decor categories like mirrors, pillows, wall decor, furniture, rugs, tabletop and more. It goes to 40,000 purchase influencers in print and digitally.
Номер: May / June
Год: 2020
Страниц: 52
Формат: PDF
Размер: 12 Мб
Язык: английский / English
Lighting & Decor — with a glossy monthly magazine, a responsive, customizable website, weekly e-newsletters, social media and video — covers lighting and fans as well as home decor categories like mirrors, pillows, wall decor, furniture, rugs, tabletop and more. It goes to 40,000 purchase influencers in print and digitally.
Название: Grand Designs UK - Self Building & Renovating Guide
Год / месяц: 2019
Формат: PDF
Размер: 83.4 Mb
Язык: English
Grand Designs magazine inspires self-builders and renovators to create the home they long to live in. It is a design-led source of the latest architecture and construction ideas to enthuse and inform those working on a project. The magazine is a platform for expert advice from those in the know across the architecture and homebuilding industry. It provides guidance at every stage of the design and build process.
Год / месяц: 2019
Формат: PDF
Размер: 83.4 Mb
Язык: English
Grand Designs magazine inspires self-builders and renovators to create the home they long to live in. It is a design-led source of the latest architecture and construction ideas to enthuse and inform those working on a project. The magazine is a platform for expert advice from those in the know across the architecture and homebuilding industry. It provides guidance at every stage of the design and build process.
Название: Good Homes UK
Год / месяц: Summer 2020
Формат: PDF
Размер: 79.5 Mb
Язык: English
In GoodHomes you’ll find everything you need to keep up to date with new decorating trends and discover the latest products on the high street. You’ll also get the best practical advice from leading experts to help you make the most of your home.
Год / месяц: Summer 2020
Формат: PDF
Размер: 79.5 Mb
Язык: English
In GoodHomes you’ll find everything you need to keep up to date with new decorating trends and discover the latest products on the high street. You’ll also get the best practical advice from leading experts to help you make the most of your home.
Название: DETAIL Magazine
Год / месяц: 2020
Номер: 6.2020
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 10 Mb
Язык: German, English
DETAIL is the international journal dedicated to architecture and construction details. Each issue focuses on a particular aspect of design, such as constructing with concrete, roof structures, etc. Emphasis is placed on presenting designs in great detail, and complementing these with drawings in practical scales and superb photographs that illustrate real world examples from near and far. The English edition is published eight times per year.
Год / месяц: 2020
Номер: 6.2020
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 10 Mb
Язык: German, English
DETAIL is the international journal dedicated to architecture and construction details. Each issue focuses on a particular aspect of design, such as constructing with concrete, roof structures, etc. Emphasis is placed on presenting designs in great detail, and complementing these with drawings in practical scales and superb photographs that illustrate real world examples from near and far. The English edition is published eight times per year.
Название: La Maison ecologique
Год / месяц: Juin-Juillet 2020
Номер: 117
Формат: PDF
Размер: 39.6 Mb
Язык: French
La Maison ecologique est un magazine bimestriel francais independant dedie a l'habitat et la construction ecologiques, qui parait en kiosque tous les deux mois depuis fevrier 20011. Le magazine s’adresse aux particuliers comme aux professionnels du batiment. Il se propose de promouvoir l’habitat ecologique, en developpant entre autres le theme des maisons passives, en presentant divers materiaux de construction et d’isolation ecologique (la terre, la paille, le bois, l’ouate de cellulose, le chanvre, la laine de mouton, les fibres de bois, le liege, les bottes de paille, le beton de chanvre, le melange terre-paille, etc.).
Год / месяц: Juin-Juillet 2020
Номер: 117
Формат: PDF
Размер: 39.6 Mb
Язык: French
La Maison ecologique est un magazine bimestriel francais independant dedie a l'habitat et la construction ecologiques, qui parait en kiosque tous les deux mois depuis fevrier 20011. Le magazine s’adresse aux particuliers comme aux professionnels du batiment. Il se propose de promouvoir l’habitat ecologique, en developpant entre autres le theme des maisons passives, en presentant divers materiaux de construction et d’isolation ecologique (la terre, la paille, le bois, l’ouate de cellulose, le chanvre, la laine de mouton, les fibres de bois, le liege, les bottes de paille, le beton de chanvre, le melange terre-paille, etc.).
Название: Homebuilding and Renovating
Год / месяц: July 2020
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 56.6 Mb
Язык: English
Homebuilding & Renovating is the UK’s best selling self-build magazine. Full of inspiration and practical advice for your project, the magazine also features a regular Beginner’s Guide section with advice on finding the finance, build costs, insurance and planning to help you get started. It also includes reader case studies with personal stories and tips, plus houseplans, costs and contacts for each story, plus special features on DIY, step-by-step guides on how to manage your contractors, and advice on how to complete your project on time and within budget.
Год / месяц: July 2020
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 56.6 Mb
Язык: English
Homebuilding & Renovating is the UK’s best selling self-build magazine. Full of inspiration and practical advice for your project, the magazine also features a regular Beginner’s Guide section with advice on finding the finance, build costs, insurance and planning to help you get started. It also includes reader case studies with personal stories and tips, plus houseplans, costs and contacts for each story, plus special features on DIY, step-by-step guides on how to manage your contractors, and advice on how to complete your project on time and within budget.