Cybersecurity Leadership for Healthcare Organizations and Institutions of Higher Education » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
Cybersecurity Leadership for Healthcare Organizations and Institutions of Higher Education
Название: Cybersecurity Leadership for Healthcare Organizations and Institutions of Higher Education
Автор: Bradley Fowler, Bruce G. Chaundy
Издательство: River Publishers
Год: 2025
Страниц: 199
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 15.9 MB

Healthcare organizations and institutions of higher education have become prime targets of increased cyberattacks. This book explores current cybersecurity trends and effective software applications, AI, and decision-making processes to combat cyberattacks. It emphasizes the importance of compliance, provides downloadable digital forensics software, and examines the psychology of organizational practice for effective cybersecurity leadership.

Since the year 2000, research consistently reports devasting results of ransomware and malware attacks impacting healthcare and higher education. These attacks are crippling the ability for these organizations to effectively protect their information systems, information technology, and cloud-based environments. Despite the global dissemination of knowledge, healthcare and higher education organizations continue wrestling to define strategies and methods to secure their information assets, understand methods of assessing qualified practitioners to fill the alarming number of opened positions to help improve how cybersecurity leadership is deployed, as well as improve workplace usage of technology tools without exposing these organizations to more severe and catastrophic cyber incidents.

Three of the most useful methods of assessing a network for vulnerabilities are conducting vulnerability assessments, auditing, and penetration testing. Penetration testing has gained popularity because of the effective results this form of cybersecurity assessment provides. Research explains that implementing penetration testing can be beneficial in a university’s IT infrastructure and services. Since universities are relying on website interface engagement, internally and externally, implementing methods to audit and test for vulnerabilities woven in the information system, can help lower the increased probability of a successful cyberattack.

This research provides an understanding why vulnerability assessments are important and help you learn what type of vulnerabilities were discovered, and how penetration testing played a role in helping discover these vulnerabilities, to help determine the type of mitigation and patch efforts required to increase cybersecurity leadership. You will also learn about some of the penetration testing tools utilized and how these tools are instrumental in supporting cybersecurity leadership. Furthermore, you will learn how to assess AWS for healthcare organizations and institutions higher education as a reliable service and product application provider and partner for effective auditing and penetration testing.

This practical book supports the reader with downloadable digital forensics software, teaches how to utilize this software, as well as correctly securing this software as a key method to improve usage and deployment of these software applications for effective cybersecurity leadership. Furthermore, readers will understand the psychology of industrial organizational practice as it correlates with cybersecurity leadership. This is required to improve management of workplace conflict, which often impedes personnel’s ability to comply with cybersecurity law and policy, domestically and internationally.

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