Power Electronics Device Applications of Diamond Semiconductors » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
Power Electronics Device Applications of Diamond Semiconductors

Название: Power Electronics Device Applications of Diamond Semiconductors
Автор: Satoshi Koizumi, Hitoshi Umezawa, Julien Pernot, Mariko Suzuki
Издательство: Woodhead Publishing
Год: 2018
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 468
Размер: 38,16 МБ
Язык: English

Power Electronics Device Applications of Diamond Semiconductors presents state-of-the-art research on diamond growth, doping, device processing, theoretical modeling and device performance. The book begins with a comprehensive and close examination of diamond crystal growth from the vapor phase for epitaxial diamond and wafer preparation. It looks at single crystal vapor deposition (CVD) growth sectors and defect control, ultra high purity SC-CVD, SC diamond wafer CVD, heteroepitaxy on Ir/MqO and needle-induced large area growth, also discussing the latest doping and semiconductor characterization methods, fundamental material properties and device physics.

The book concludes with a discussion of circuits and applications, featuring the switching behavior of diamond devices and applications, high frequency and high temperature operation, and potential applications of diamond semiconductors for high voltage devices.

Includes contributions from today's most respected researchers who present the latest results for diamond growth, doping, device fabrication, theoretical modeling and device performance
Examines why diamond semiconductors could lead to superior power electronics
Discusses the main challenges to device realization and the best opportunities for the next generation of power electronics

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