Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics, 3rd Edition » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
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Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics, 3rd Edition

Название: Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics,3rd Edition
Автор: Chiang A.C.
Издательство: McGraw-Hill
Год: 1984
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 679
Для сайта:
Размер: 24,67 МБ
Язык: english

The best-selling, best known text in Mathematical Economics course, Chiang teaches the basic mathematical methods indispensable for understanding current economic literature. The book's patient explanations are written in an informal, non-intimidating style. To underscore the relevance of mathematics to economics, the author allows the economist's analytical needs to motivate the study of related mathematical techniques; he then illustrates these techniques with appropriate economics models. Graphic illustrations often visually reinforce algebraic results. Many exercise problems serve as drills and help bolster student confidence. These major types of economic analysis are covered: statics, comparative statics, optimization problems, dynamics, and mathematical programming. These mathematical methods are introduced: matrix algebra, differential and integral calculus, differential equations, difference equations, and convex sets.


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