1,000 Package Designs: A Comprehensive Guide to Packing It In » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
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1,000 Package Designs: A Comprehensive Guide to Packing It In
1,000 Package Designs: A Comprehensive Guide to Packing It InНазвание: 1,000 Package Designs: A Comprehensive Guide to Packing It In
Автор: Grip
Издательство: Rockport Publishers
Год: 2008
Формат: HQ PDF
Качество: отличное
Размер: 104 Мб
Язык: English
Количество страниц: 320

Описание: Сборник из 1000 лучших идей упаковок обычных, повседневных товаров и продуктов. Потрясающие креативные идеи для дизайнеров всего мира.

Packaging is everywhere you look—it’s in your refrigerator, your medicine cabinet, your closets, on the streets, in the stores, etc. Putting together a compendium of 1,000 of the best packages will offer designers a true array of inspiration and illustrate why people make the buying choices they make. The package of a product often times makes or breaks a sale—consumers are drawn to certain colors, graphics, and shapes, and this book will have plenty to offer of all three.

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