Graphic Imprints: The Influence of Representation and Ideation Tools in Architecture » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
Graphic Imprints: The Influence of Representation and Ideation Tools in Architecture
Название: Graphic Imprints: The Influence of Representation and Ideation Tools in Architecture
Автор: Carlos L. Marcos
Издательство: Springer International Publishing
Год: 2018
ISBN: 9783319937489
Формат: pdf, epub
Страниц: XL, 1658.: ill.
Размер: 569,4 mb
Язык: English

About 200 professionals and researchers from 18 different countries attended the Congress. This book will be of interest to researchers in the field of architecture and Engineering. Topics discussed are Innovations in Architecture, graphic design and architecture, history and heritage among others.

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