Best-Selling House Plans, 3rd Edition » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
Best-Selling House Plans, 3rd Edition

Название: Best-Selling House Plans, 3rd Edition
Издательство: Creative Homeowner
Автор: Creative Homeowner
Год: 2015
Количество страниц:959
Язык: English
Формат: pdf
Размер:111 Mb

Best-Selling House Plans offers readers 400 of our most-successful designs from leading architects and designers. Over 200 gorgeous full-color photographs allow readers to experience homes actually built from the designs, plus some stunning interior images. Construction blueprints are made available for every home and are easily customizable. Virtually every home style is offered, including farmhouses, country cottages, contemporaries, luxury estates, vacation retreats, and regional specialties. In addition to these designs, Best-Selling House Plans offers practical tips and advice on everything from selecting a site and hiring a contractor to adding such finishing touches as trimwork and landscaping. This book is perfect for consumers looking to choose from a wide variety of styles and designs from the top architects and designers in the country.

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Gerza19 сентября 2016 10:26
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