The Devil's Mercedes: The Bizarre and Disturbing Adventures of Hitler's Limousine in America » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
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Категория: КНИГИ » ИСТОРИЯ
The Devil's Mercedes: The Bizarre and Disturbing Adventures of Hitler's Limousine in America
Название: The Devil's Mercedes: The Bizarre and Disturbing Adventures of Hitler's Limousine in America
Автор: Robert Klara
Издательство: Thomas Dunne Books
Год: 2017
Формат: pdf/epub
Страниц: 352
Размер: 40.7 Mb
Язык: English

In The Devil’s Mercedes, author Robert Klara uncovers the forgotten story of how Americans responded to these rolling relics of fascism on their soil. The limousines made headlines, drew crowds, made fortunes and ruined lives. What never became public was how both of the cars would ultimately become tangled in a web of confusion, mania, and opportunism, fully entwined in a story of mistaken identity.
Nobody knew that the limousine touted as Hitler’s had in fact never belonged to him, while the Mercedes shrugged off as an ordinary staff car?one later abandoned in a warehouse and sold off as government surplus?turned out to be none other than Hitler’s personal automobile.
It would take 40 years, a cast of carnies and millionaires, the United States Army, and the sleuthing efforts of an obscure Canadian librarian to bring the entire truth to light.
As he recounts this remarkable drama, Klara probes the meaning of these haunting hulks and their power to attract, excite and disgust. The limousines’ appearance collided with an American populous celebrating a victory even as it sought to stay a step ahead of the war’s ghosts. Ultimately, The Devil’s Mercedes isn’t only the story of a rare and notorious car, but what that car taught postwar America about itself.

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