A Second Treasury of Magical Knitting » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
A Second Treasury of Magical Knitting
Название: A Second Treasury of Magical Knitting
Автор: Cat Bordhi
Издательство: Passing Paws Press
Год: 2005
Формат: jpg
Размер: 28 Mb
Страниц: 110
Язык: английский

Книга по вязанию спицами. 37 проектов для вязания с элементами валяния.
Cat takes her unique style in new directions with felted bags, cat beds and magical baskets. Includes a refresher in Moebius cast on and directions for felting. Softcover. 37 projects--110 pages.
the Author's Words.....
"I love watching knitter's faces change during my workshops. Most beginners start out looking a little anxious. Then the magic reveals itself on their very own needles, glowing smiles dawn around the room, and we settle into a day of child-like delight."

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