Knitting Hats & Mittens from Around the World » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
Knitting Hats & Mittens from Around the World
Knitting Hats & Mittens from Around the World
Издательство: Voyageur Press;
Название: Knitting Hats & Mittens from Around the World
Автор: Kari Cornell
Год : 2012
Язык: английский
Страниц: 147
Формат: jpg
Размер: 64.2 MB

В книге 24 модели аксессуаров: перчатки, митенки, шапочки, шарфики и варежки.

Here are 34 patterns for hats, mittens, and gloves from around the globe—including stylish traditional projects from Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, the British Isles, the Americas, and Asia. Pattern introductions provide a background of knitting techniques from that part of the world, including schematics and charts. An introduction on the history of hat/mitten knitting by Donna Druchunas is included.

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