The Maillard reaction reconsidered : cooking and eating for health » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
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The Maillard reaction reconsidered : cooking and eating for health

Название: The Maillard reaction reconsidered : cooking and eating for health
Автор: Losso, Jack N
Издательство: CRC Press LLC
Год: 2016
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 456
Для сайта:
Размер: 52,59 МБ
Язык: english

Cooking involves chemical reactions that can make food smell and taste better. However, the same process that is responsible for creating the aroma, flavor, palatability, color, and taste of grilled and seared foods has also been linked to the development of chronic degenerative diseases. The Maillard reaction produces advanced glycation end products (AGEs) which are associated with diabetes complications and several other chronic degenerative diseases including obesity, chronic inflammation, erectile dysfunction, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s.
Regardless of whether you are a chef, a food scientist, a dietician, a culinologist, or simply a home cook, The Maillard Reaction Reconsidered: Cooking and Eating for Health will help you understand the link between the Maillard reaction, the AGEs, and resulting physiological conditions. Written in nontechnical terms, it elaborates on dietary factors that can help you prevent the development of chronic degenerative diseases as well as the factors that pose dietary risk.
The book is divided into three parts. Part I describes the Maillard reaction in layman’s terms to help you understand the chemistry that takes place when food ingredients are mixed in the presence of heat. Part II links the Maillard reaction products to chronic inflammatory degenerative diseases and discusses the consumption of protective foods. Part III covers champagne, caviar, good cuisine, and ice wine, and shows you how to develop a healthy pantry both at home and away from home. The author also gives you some healthy cooking and eating strategies and discusses the advantages associated with each strategy.

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