FM 21-13 The Soldier's Guide » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
FM 21-13 The Soldier's Guide
FM 21-13 The Soldier's Guide
Название: FM 21-13 The Soldier's Guide
Издательство: Department of the Army
Год издания: 1961
Страниц: 298
Язык: English
Формат: DjVu
Размер: 11,22 Mb

Описание: This manual contains information which will assist you to understand Army life. Just as in civilian life, the better you understand your surroundings and your work, the more rapidly you will progress.
Chapter 2 contains some of the history, achievements, and customs of the United States Army. Chapter 3 presents information of the organization of the United States Government and the Army’s place in the National Defense.
Other chapters give detailed information on various subjects which concern your military education, your personal life, and most important—you, the soldier.

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