The Light of Battle: Eisenhower, D-Day, and the Birth of the American Superpower » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
The Light of Battle: Eisenhower, D-Day, and the Birth of the American Superpower

Название: The Light of Battle: Eisenhower, D-Day, and the Birth of the American Superpower
Автор: Michel Paradis
Издательство: Mariner Books
ISBN: 0358682371
Год: 2024
Формат: EPUB, PDF (conv)
Страниц: 528
Размер: 16,0 МБ
Язык: Английский

A thrilling new biography of Dwight Eisenhower set in the months leading up to D-Day, when he grew from a well-liked general into one of the singular figures of American history. On June 6, 1944, General Dwight Eisenhower addressed the thousands of American troops preparing to invade Normandy, exhorting them to embrace the “Great Crusade” they faced. Then, in a fleeting moment alone, he drafted a resignation letter in case the invasion failed.

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