Название: Business Information Systems, 3rd edition Автор: Paul Beynon-Davies Издательство: Red Globe Press Год: 2020 Страниц: 511 Язык: английский Формат: pdf (true) Размер: 12.4 MB
This textbook offers students a systematic guide to how information systems underpin organisational activity in today’s global information society, covering everything from ICT infrastructure and the digital environment to electronic marketing, mobile commerce and design thinking. While academically rigorous and underpinned by the author’s deep knowledge of the subject, an engaging writing style combined with extensive pedagogical features, cases and innovative examples from around the world ensure that the text remains accessible to those approaching the topic for the first time. Taking an approach that views businesses as complex systems, the book illustrates how valuable systems thinking can be in our everyday working lives, while theoretical ideas are always supported by examples of their application in the real world.
Information and data are normally seen to be the fundamental ‘stuff ’ of ICT. However, one key problem is that these terms are used interchangeably among a great deal of literature on the subject, and also are used in very loose ways within such literature. The Chapter 3 considers the nature of signs as units of significance and demonstrates how they are crucial building blocks in understanding the role of ICT and information systems in organisations. The concept of a sign helps us relate notions of data, information, decision-making and activity in organisations and connect them to the three types of business system we introduced in the previous chapter: activity systems, information systems and data (ICT) systems.
This text is the ideal course companion for all students studying business information systems or management information systems modules at undergraduate, postgraduate or MBA level.
List of figures and tables List of case studies About the author Message to students Message to lecturers Employability and information systems About the book Tour of the book Careers videos Guide to the website Chapter 1 Introduction: the domain of business information systems 1 Chapter 2 Systems of organisation 31 Chapter 3 Data and information 59 Chapter 4 The infrastructure of organisation 98 Chapter 5 ICT infrastructure 134 Chapter 6 The digital environment 166 Chapter 7 Digital business 200 Chapter 8 Electronic marketing, procurement and government 228 Chapter 9 Mobile commerce, social media and disruptive innovation 260 Chapter 10 Designing digital organisation 286 Chapter 11 Digital innovation and digital strategy 321 Chapter 12 Developing, managing and operating digital infrastructure 358 Chapter 13 The changing nature of digital infrastructure 385 Case studies Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases Bibliography 444 Glossary 450 Index 467