КНИГИ » Страница 41
Brooklyn Tweed's Knit and Crochet Blankets: Projects to Stitch for Home and Away
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Название: Brooklyn Tweed's Knit and Crochet Blankets: Projects to Stitch for Home and Away
Автор: Jared Flood
Издательство: Abrams Books
Год: September 10, 2024
Размер: 74 Мб
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 192
Язык: Английский

Любимый производитель пряжи, компания Brooklyn Tweed, сотрудничающая с лучшими дизайнерами, работающими на сегодняшний день, предлагает более 20 моделей для создания идеального одеяла. Что может быть приятнее, чем уютно устроиться под одеялом ручной работы? В этой книге основатель Brooklyn Tweed Джаред Флад (Jared Flood) представляет великолепные модели для создания одеял и афганов, больших и маленьких. В каждой главе представлены десятки уютных моделей, которые различаются по сложности, стилю и размеру; независимо от ваших эстетических предпочтений или уровня мастерства, здесь найдется одеяло, которое вы захотите связать.

DevOps for Software Engineers
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Название: DevOps for Software Engineers
Автор: Srinikhita Kothapalli, Pavan Kumar Gade, Hari Priya Kommineni, Aditya Manikyala
Издательство: Warta Say
Год: 2024
Страниц: 184
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub, mobi
Размер: 10.1 MB

The evolution of software development has transformed dramatically over the past decade, driven by the need for faster, more reliable delivery of applications and services. In this rapidly changing landscape, DevOps has emerged as a crucial methodology, bridging the gap between development and operations. It integrates practices and tools that foster collaboration, automate processes, and enhance the efficiency of software delivery. "DevOps for Software Engineers" is born out of our collective experience and passion for improving the way software is developed, deployed, and maintained in the modern era. This book is designed to serve as a comprehensive guide for software engineers who are either new to DevOps or looking to deepen their understanding of the subject. We have structured the content to cover the foundational concepts of DevOps, practical implementations, and advanced techniques that can be applied in real-world scenarios. The book encompasses a broad range of topics, including continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), infrastructure as code, automated testing, monitoring, and security, among others. Each chapter is crafted to build on the previous one, creating a cohesive learning experience that progresses from basic principles to more complex implementations. Our goal is to equip software engineers with the knowledge and tools necessary to thrive in a DevOps-driven environment. We believe that by mastering these concepts, engineers can significantly contribute to the efficiency, reliability, and scalability of software systems. Furthermore, this book aims to demonstrate how DevOps practices can be seamlessly integrated into existing workflows, ultimately leading to more robust and resilient software. Whether you are beginning your journey into DevOps or seeking to enhance your expertise, we trust that you will find the content both informative and inspiring.

Tech Leadership Playbook: Building and Sustaining High-Impact Technology Teams
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Название: Tech Leadership Playbook: Building and Sustaining High-Impact Technology Teams
Автор: Alexsandro Souza
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2024
Страниц: 233
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

Immerse yourself in this indispensable resource for leaders tasked with the challenge of building or managing effective software development teams. This book is based on practical wisdom, offering actionable guidance to foster high-performing teams that excel in their projects. Despite the pivotal role leadership plays in a team's success, there aren't many companies that employ structured, best-practice-driven leadership methods. The core of the book covers several critical areas essential for any tech leader's success: building high-performance teams, project management, code quality, software design and architecture, software development life cycle (SDLC), software quality insurance, observability, technology and business alignment. The relevance of structured, principled leadership in tech has never been more important. Tech Leadership Playbook aims to equip leaders with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the challenges of evolving business successfully. For senior engineers, tech leaders, engineering managers, CTO, CIO, project managers, agile coaches, and founders.

Python Data Analysis: Transforming Raw Data into Actionable Intelligence with Python's Data Analysis Capabilities
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Название: Python Data Analysis: Transforming Raw Data into Actionable Intelligence with Python's Data Analysis Capabilities
Автор: Tom Lesley
Издательство: May Reads
Год: 2024
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, azw3, epub, mobi
Размер: 10.1 MB

Python has emerged as a powerful language for data analysis, thanks to its extensive libraries and ease of use. Python for Data Analysis is a comprehensive guide that will help beginners and experienced professionals learn how to use Python for data analysis. This book covers everything from the basics of Python programming to advanced topics like Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Bayesian data analysis. The book begins by introducing readers to the basics of Python programming and the key data structures used in data analysis. It then covers the various data preparation and exploratory data analysis techniques that are commonly used in the field. The book also covers advanced topics like Machine Learning, where readers will learn about regression, classification, clustering, and dimensionality reduction techniques. The book also includes a chapter on natural language processing (NLP), where readers will learn about text classification, sentiment analysis, and topic modeling. In addition, the book covers big data analytics, where readers will learn how to use distributed computing frameworks like PySpark and Dask to handle large datasets. The book also covers cloud-based platforms like AWS and Google Cloud, where readers will learn how to scale their Python code to handle big data analysis tasks. The book concludes with a chapter on advanced topics like Deep Learning, reinforcement learning, and Bayesian data analysis. Readers will also learn about advanced visualization techniques that can help them present their findings in a clear and concise manner. Abundance of libraries Python has a broad range of libraries designed to handle data analysis tasks, such as data cleaning, data visualization, Machine Learning, and statistics. Some of the most popular libraries for data analysis include NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, SciPy, and Scikit-Learn.

Design an RP2040 board with KiCad: Creating Raspberry Pi Pico-compatible PCBs
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Название: Design an RP2040 board with KiCad: Creating Raspberry Pi Pico-compatible PCBs
Автор: Jo Hinchliffe, Ben Everard
Издательство: Raspberry Pi Press
Год: 2024
Страниц: 160
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 15.7 MB

Design and make your own microcontroller board using the same chip that powers the popular Raspberry Pi Pico. KiCad is an amazing piece of free and open-source software that allows anyone, with some time and effort, to make high-quality PCB designs. Couple this amazing software with numerous PCB fabrication companies and even PCBA services (companies that will make and assemble your PCB designs) and there's never been a better time to get into this aspect of making. This book provides a gentle introduction to PCB design using the RP2040 microcontroller chip (the same chip that's at the heart of the Raspberry Pi Pico). You'll learn how to create a schematic for a microcontroller board using the RP2040, from assigning schematic symbols to creating a footprint for individual components. You'll quickly move on to laying out the PCB design and preparing it for manufacture! That's right–after your board is designed, this book will show you how to send it off to be manufactured and assembled. You'll find out about the various materials (or substrates) you can choose for your board, and learn how to pick the right manufacturer. Once you have your board in hand, you'll also learn what you can do (and make!) with it, and there will be plenty of ideas for expansions, such as motor drivers.

Mathematical Engineering of Deep Learning
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Название: Mathematical Engineering of Deep Learning
Автор: Benoit Liquet, Sarat Moka, Yoni Nazarathy
Издательство: CRC Press
Серия: Data Science Series
Год: 2025
Страниц: 415
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 39.8 MB

Mathematical Engineering of Deep Learning provides a complete and concise overview of Deep Learning using the language of mathematics. The book provides a self-contained background on Machine Learning and optimization algorithms and progresses through the key ideas of Deep Learning. These ideas and architectures include deep neural networks, convolutional models, recurrent models, long/short-term memory, the attention mechanism, transformers, variational auto-encoders, diffusion models, generative adversarial networks, reinforcement learning, and graph neural networks. Concepts are presented using simple mathematical equations together with a concise description of relevant tricks of the trade. The content is the foundation for state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence applications, involving images, sound, large language models, and other domains. The focus is on the basic mathematical description of algorithms and methods and does not require computer programming. The presentation is also agnostic to neuroscientific relationships, historical perspectives, and theoretical research. The benefit of such a concise approach is that a mathematically equipped reader can quickly grasp the essence of Deep Learning.

Интеллектуальный блогер
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Название: Интеллектуальный блогер
Автор: Stepik
Издательство: Stepik
Год: 2024
Формат: PDF
Страниц: много
Размер: 30 Mb
Язык: Русский

ПРЕМИАЛЬНАЯ ПРОГРАММА САМООБУЧЕНИЯ И САМОРАЗВИТИЯ Сможете создать свой уникальный экспертный блог и монетизировать. Определите свой потенциал развития и найдете свою нишу. Научитесь писать красиво, системно и грамотно. Станете блогером, который строит свой бренд на знаниях, эрудиции, экспертности и фирменном стиле. Блогером, который несет ответственность за свой контент и за трансляцию ценностей.

Категория: КНИГИ » ИСТОРИЯ
Исчезнувшие обитатели Земли
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Название: Исчезнувшие обитатели Земли
Автор: Колтыпин А.В.
Издательство: Вече
Год: 2015
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 384 с. ил.
Размер: 22 Мб
Язык: русский

О чем рассказывают мифы? Поражающие воображение предания о небесных городах и битвах богов, о чудесных летающих колесницах и грозном оружии, испепелявшем врагов: быть может, это забытая летопись древнейшей истории Земли? Автор книги убежден, что драконы и кентавры, сказочные ходячие змеи и божественные герои действительно жили на нашей планете еще десятки миллионов лет назад, сражались и летали в небесах, строили волшебные дворцы... И память об этом, помысли автора, доныне живет в Ведах и индийском эпосе, в кельтских и исландских сагах, в русских былинах и волшебных сказках.

Боги и демоны Древнего Египта и Шумера
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Название: Боги и демоны Древнего Египта и Шумера
Автор: Колтыпин А.В.
Издательство: Вече
Год: 2013
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 176
Размер: 14,3 Мб
Язык: русский

В книге «Боги и демоны Древнего Египта и Шумера» вы продолжите знакомство с жившими на Земле задолго до появления человека богами и демонами. Вы познакомитесь с «закрытой» египетской мифологией, шумерскими и вавилонскими преданиями, главными и второстепенными богами и тайными египетскими учениями и символами. Вы узнаете, что в олигоцене и неогене в Египте и Шумере жили змеевидные, земноводные, белые и чёрные человекоподобные и многорукие боги и демоны, среди которых важную роль играли девы-воительницы апсары. Вы узнаете, кем были Ра, Гор, Энлиль. Мардук, Энки и другие египетские и шумерские боги и богини, а также о непримиримой борьбе человекоподобных богов и демонов-змеев.

Бессмертные рядом с нами
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Название: Бессмертные рядом с нами
Автор: Колтыпин А.В.
Издательство: Вече
Год: 2011
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 160
Размер: 22,2 Мб
Язык: русский

Куда ушли боги? Вернутся ли они когда-нибудь? Можно ли вступить с ними в контакт? Безопасно ли это? В этой книге рассказывается о подземных сооружениях, обнаруженных в разных уголках Земли. Приводятся мифы и легенды разных народов о проживании под землей «белых богов» и карликов; о системе тоннелей, населенных жителями высокоразвитой цивилизации «золотого века», которая в качестве средства передвижения использует подземный транспорт.