Trends and Applications in Software Engineering: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Process Improvement (CIMPS 2017) » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
Автор: Jezreel Mejia, Mirna Mu?oz, ?lvaro Rocha, Yadira Qui?onez, Jose Calvo-Manzano Название: Trends and Applications in Software Engineering: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Process Improvement (CIMPS 2017) (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing) Издательство: Springer Год: 2017 Серия: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Book 688) ISBN: 9783319693408 Язык: English Формат: pdf Размер: 10,2 mb Страниц: 306
Held from 18th to 20th October 2017 in Zacatecas, Mexico, the conference provided a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the latest innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns in various areas of software engineering, including but not limited to software processes, security in information and communication technology, and big data.
The main topics covered are organizational models, standards and methodologies, software process improvement, knowledge management, software systems, applications and tools, information and communication technologies and processes in non-software domains (mining, automotive, aerospace, business, health care, manufacturing, etc.) with a demonstrated relationship to software engineering challenges.
Organizational Models, Standards and Methodologies
ISO/IEC 29110 and curricula programs related to Computer Science and Informatics in Mexico: Analysis of practices coverage Mirna Munoz, Adriana Pena Perez Negron, Jezreel Mejia, and Graciela Lara Lopez
A Means-Ends Design of SCRUM+: an agile-disciplined balanced SCRUM enhanced with the 1SO/IEC 29110 Standard Sergio Galvan-Cruz. Manuel Mora, and Roiy O’Connor
Formalizing a Cost Construct Model related to the Software Requirements Elicitation Techniques Ivan Quintanilla and Dante Carrizo
WYDIWYN - What You Define, Is What You Need: Defining Agile/Traditional Mixed Methodologies Andres Felipe Bustamante and Rafael David Rincon
Project Portfolio Management in Small Context in Software Industry: A Systematic Literature Review Juan Linares, Karin Melendez, Luis Flores, and Abraham Davila
Practices for Addressing Environmental Sustainability through Requirements Processes Gabriel Alberto Garcia-Mireles and Hector Antonio Villa-Martinez
Integrated IT Governance and Management Model: Evaluation in a Developing Country Carlos Montenegro, Andres de la Torre, and Natali Nunez
Analysis of environmental factors in the adoption of ISO/IEC 29110. Multiple case study Stuardo Lucho, Karin Melendez, and Abraham Davila
A Theoretical Analysis of Digital Marketing Adoption by Startups Sergio Teixeira, Jose Martins, Frederico Branco, Ramiro Gonsalves, Manuel Au-Yong-Oliveira, and Fernando Moreira
Financial impact on the adoption of software validation tasks in the analysis phase: A business case David Allasi and Abraham Davila
Multiple Software Product Lines: applications and challenges Guadalupe Isaura Trujillo-Tzanahua, Ulises Juarez-Martinez, Alberto Alfonso Aguilar-Lasserre, and Maria Karen Cortes-Verdin
Automated software generation process with SPL Jesus-Moises Hemandez-Lopez, Ulises Juarez-Martinez, and Ixmatlahua-Diaz Sergio-David
Systematic Review: Cybersecurity Risk Taxonomy A.M. Rea-Guaman, T. San Feliu, J.A. Calvo-Manzano, and I.D. Sanchez-Garcia
Soft Skills for IT Project Success: A Systematic Literature Review Carmen Iriarte and Sussy Bayona Ore
Knowledge Management
Architecture for the integration of Linked Open Drug Data in an Augmented Reality application for mobile devices Carlos Daniel Flores-Flores, Jose Luis Sanchez-Cervantes, Giner Alor-Hemandez, Lisbeth Rodriguez-Mazahua, and Luis Angel Reyes-Hernandez
An Architecture based in Voice Command Recognition for faceted search in Linked Open Datasets Betia Lizbeth Lopez-Ochoa, Jose Luis Sanchez-Cervantes, Giner Alor-Hemandez, Ma. Antonieta Abud-Figueroa, Beatriz A. Olivares-Zepahua, and Lisbeth Rodriguez-Mazahua
Engineering Organizational Absorptive Capacity for Effective Knowledge Transfer Orlando Lopez-Cruz and Nini Johanna Gamica
Decision-Support Platform for Industrial Recipe Management Edrisi Munoz, Elisabet Capon-Garcia, Mima Munoz, and Patricia Montoya
SmartLand-LD: A Linked Data approach for Integration of heterogeneous datasets to intelligent management of high biodiversity territories Nelson Piedra and Juan Pablo Suarez
Software Systems, Applications and Tools
Usability analysis: Is our software inclusive? Hans Guerrero and Vianca Vega
Software testing education through a collaborative virtual approach Juan P. Ucan Pech, Raul A. Aguilar Vera, and Omar S. Gomez
3D objects’ shape relevance for saliency measure Graciela Lara, Angelica De Antonio, Adriana Pena, Mima Munoz, and Edwin Becerra
Towards Detecting MVC Architectural Smells Perla Velasco-Elizondo, Lucero Castaneda-Calvillo, Alejandro Garcia-Femandez, and Sodel Vazquez-Reyes
Information and Communication Technologies
A Brief Review on the Use of Sentiment Analysis Approaches in Social Networks Francisco Javier Ramirez-Tinoco, Giner Alor-Hemandez, Jose Luis Sanchez-Cervantes, Beatriz Alejandra Olivares-Zepahua, and Lisbeth Rodriguez-Mazahua
Impact of organizational and user factors on the acceptance and use of project management software in the medium-sized company in Lima Cesar Aguilera, Maria Teresa Villalobos, and Abraham Davila
A Lean mind-set on the Information Technologies sector: Targeting and addressing waste for an increased performance Jorge F. Guedes
Simulation and path planning for quadcopter obstacle avoidance in indoor environments using the ROS framework Yadira Quinonez, Fernando Barrera, Ian Bugueno, and Juan Bekios-Calfa