Sams Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day, Eighth Edition » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
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Фармакология может быть доступной. Иллюстрированное пособие для врачей и тех, кто хочет ими стать Фармакология может быть доступной. Иллюстрированное пособие для врачей и тех, кто хочет ими стать Machine Learning for Materials Discovery: Numerical Recipes and Practical Applications Machine Learning for Materials Discovery: Numerical Recipes and Practical Applications Understanding Cryptography: From Established Symmetric and Asymmetric Ciphers to Post-Quantum Algorithms, 2nd Edition Understanding Cryptography: From Established Symmetric and Asymmetric Ciphers to Post-Quantum Algorithms, 2nd Edition Многопоточный Python Многопоточный Python Анатомия человека. Большой популярный атлас Анатомия человека. Большой популярный атлас Дивизии войск СС. История организации, структура, боевое применение Дивизии войск СС. История организации, структура, боевое применение Хронология российской истории: Энциклопедический справочник Хронология российской истории: Энциклопедический справочник Vaucelles Abbey: Monanstic, Political, and Social Ties in the Borderland of the Cambresis, 1132-1330 Vaucelles Abbey: Monanstic, Political, and Social Ties in the Borderland of the Cambresis, 1132-1330 Industrial Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd Edition Industrial Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd Edition The Ocean Speaks: A photographic journey of discovery and hope The Ocean Speaks: A photographic journey of discovery and hope Маринад для шашлыка. Классические рецепты и оригинальные прочтения маринадов к мясу Маринад для шашлыка. Классические рецепты и оригинальные прочтения маринадов к мясу Физиотерапия воспаления и боли. Патофизиологические аспекты и методики лечения Физиотерапия воспаления и боли. Патофизиологические аспекты и методики лечения Взаимодействие излучения с атомами и наночастицами Взаимодействие излучения с атомами и наночастицами Артиллерия и минометы XX века Артиллерия и минометы XX века Linux Coding & Programming Tricks & Tips - 18th Edition 2024 Linux Coding & Programming Tricks & Tips - 18th Edition 2024 Introduction to Game Programming using Processing: For Designers, Artists, Players, Non-Tech People and Everybody Else Introduction to Game Programming using Processing: For Designers, Artists, Players, Non-Tech People and Everybody Else
Sams Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day, Eighth Edition

Название: Sams Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day, Eighth Edition
Автор: Siddhartha Rao
Издательство: Pearson Education
Год: 2017
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 770
Для сайта:
Размер: 10,46 MB
Язык: English

In just one hour a day, you’ll have all the skills you need to begin programming in C++. With this complete tutorial, you’ll quickly master the basics, and then move on to more advanced features and concepts. Completely updated for the C++14 standard, with a preview of C++17, this book presents the language from a practical point of view, helping you learn how to use C++ to create faster, simpler, and more efficient C++ applications.

Master the fundamentals of C++ and object-oriented programming
Understand how C++ features help you write compact and efficient code using concepts such as lambda expressions, move constructors, and assignment operators
Learn best practices and avoid pitfalls via useful Do’s and Don’ts
Learn the Standard Template Library, including containers and algorithms used in most real-world C++ applications
Test your knowledge and expertise with exercises at the end of every lesson

Learn on your own time, at your own pace:

No previous programming experience required
Write fast and powerful C++ programs, compile the source code, and create executable files
Learn object-oriented programming concepts such as encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism
Use the Standard Template Library’s algorithms and containers to write feature-rich yet stable C++ applications
Learn how automatic type deduction helps simplify C++ code
Develop sophisticated programming techniques using lambda expressions, smart pointers, and move constructors
Master the features of C++ by learning from programming experts
Learn C++ features that allow you to program compact and high-performance C++ applications
Preview what’s new in C++17

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