PHP by Example: A Practical Guide to Creating Web Applications with PHP » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
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PHP by Example: A Practical Guide to Creating Web Applications with PHP
Название: PHP by Example: A Practical Guide to Creating Web Applications with PHP
Автор: Alex Vasilev
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2024
Страниц: 432
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

Learn to create web applications in PHP with minimal previous experience. This book is a practical guide to using PHP for web development.

Loaded with examples and step-by-step instructions, each chapter is dedicated to a specific area or function. You’ll first review the main principles of PHP and what is needed to program and develop in it. You’ll then study variables, data types, control statements, arrays, and functions, all critical for creating efficient PHP programs.

The book then moves on to object-oriented programming (OOP) and how to implement those principles in PHP, as well as inheritance, interfaces, testing, error handling, and exceptions. By the end of PHP by Example, you will have the knowledge and confidence to implement PHP for your web projects both large and small.

This book discusses the PHP programming language. PHP is a simple, beautiful, and elegant language. Moreover, it is special in some sense. PHP is designed to execute code on the server side. In other words, it is not enough to know PHP. It is also necessary to understand how and for what it is used. That is important since understanding the possibilities of a language is the key to using it effectively.

PHP is a scripted and interpreted language. Interpretability means that a program is executed under the control of a particular program called an interpreter. The interpreter reads the code line by line and executes the corresponding instructions. Scripting languages are usually high-level ones. Unlike conventional programs, scripts usually contain instructions for controlling ready-made software components. In other words, a scripting language is a straightforward language. Although, of course, not everything is always so rosy. Of course, PHP is a programming language, among many others. But it has an essential feature in how PHP codes are used.

What You’ll Learn:

Understand PHP from the ground up
Create scripts and implement them in real-world projects
Work with a broad toolkit of ready-made exercises and solutions
Investigate the main constructions of the PHP

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