автор: Sherwyn Allibang
Издательство: DBest Reads
Страниц: 252
Год: 2016
Размер: MB
Язык: Английский
This book is for absolute beginners with or without prior knowledge in programming, as this book uses Simple words, Short sentences, and Straightforward paragraphs. The triple S way of learning C++ programming. C++ (pronounced as cee plus plus) is a general-purpose programming language. The main object of C++ is to add object-orientation to its predecessor C language. C++ has imperative, object-oriented and generic programming features, while also providing facilities for low-level memory manipulation. There are also other useful features added to C++ such as inheritance and polymorphism. The topics covered in this book includes brief introduction to C++ programming, variables, data types, control structures, functions, pointers, and file management of external files. This book starts its discussion from short history to installation of the needed software resource and a step by step screen shots of how to write C++ programming code, compile and execute C++ programs. It presents graphical representation of algorithms for simpler learning. This book is packed with working and running C++ program samples and after reading this book, the reader would be able to develop and create C++ language programs based particularly from problems given in computer science courses, hence, adopting to other programming language will be a lot easier. This book is your initial step in your programming career.

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