Marvel Encyclopedia Volume 5: Marvel Knights » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
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Marvel Encyclopedia Volume 5: Marvel Knights

Автор: Barry Reese, Jeff Christiansen
Название: Marvel Encyclopedia Volume 5: Marvel Knights
Издательство: Marvel Comics
Год: 2004
Серия: Marvel Encyclopedia (Book 5)
ISBN: 978-0785113850
Язык: English
Формат: cbr
Размер: 100,0 mb
Страниц: 240

Volume 5 of Marvel's Encyclopedia series is dedicated to none other than the Marvel Knights. Backstories, crossovers, one-shots, mini-series, and just about everything else are revisited and re-told on Daredevil, the Punisher, Blade, and Ghost Rider.

The encyclopedia is painfully comprehensive; featuring stats and vitals on virtually every character that has ever had a role in any comic relating to the aforementioned characters.

The book begins with a few pages dealing with the film adaptations of Daredevil, the Blade trilogy, and the recently released Punisher film, as well as the long overdue Ghost Rider film which is in development. As comprehensive as this is though, there are plenty of typos, spelling errors, etc. that has also plagued the previous Marvel encyclopedias. That aside though, any devoted fan of Daredevil, the Punisher, Blade, or Ghost Rider should give this a look nontheless.


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