Genius Jokes: Laughs for the Learned » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
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Genius Jokes: Laughs for the Learned
Название: Genius Jokes: Laughs for the Learned
Автор: Frank Flannery
Издательство: Rock Point
Год: 2018
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 10 Мб
Язык: английский / English

Ready to take your humor to the next level? Genius Jokes is a comprehensive collection of wisdom and wisecracks that will have even the smartest cookie rolling in the aisles of the lecture hall. Nothing is more satisfying than getting a joke that flies over the heads of most people in the room. This book not only supplies the readers with smart jokes about academic subjects like History, Science, and Philosophy, it also contains detailed explanations of the concepts and historical figures the jokes are based on so that you're never flying blind when dropping a comedic gem. Impress your friends, family, in-laws, professors, or brilliant love interest, and never laugh at a joke you don't quite get. With Genius Jokes, you'll bend minds and split sides with the best!

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