Weather Disasters: How to Prepare For and Survive Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Blizzards, and Other Catastrophes » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
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Weather Disasters: How to Prepare For and Survive Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Blizzards, and Other Catastrophes
Название: Weather Disasters: How to Prepare For and Survive Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Blizzards, and Other Catastrophes
Автор: Mark D. Williams and Amy Becker Williams
Издательство: Skyhorse Publishing
Год: 2018
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 125 Мб
Язык: английский / English

Floods. Blizzards. Landslides. Earthquakes. Tornadoes. Hurricanes. Severe weather happens every day across the globe. We see and hear of the devastating consequences whenever we tune into the evening news: property ravaged, communities destroyed, and lives lost. But although these events are unstoppable, you can prepare. In Weather Disasters, veteran authors and disaster survivors Mark and Amy Williams provide vital information on prepping for and surviving every major type of weather disaster. Each chapter is devoted to a different catastrophe.

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