The Cambridge History of the Bible: Vols. I-III » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
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The Cambridge History of the Bible: Vols. I-III
The Cambridge History of the Bible: Vols. I-III
Автор: P. R. Ackroyd, C. F. Evans, G. W. H. Lampe, S. L. Greenslade
Название: The Cambridge History of the Bible: Vols. I-III
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год: 1963-1970
ISBN: 9780521074186; 9780521042550; 9780521042543
Язык: English
Формат: pdf
Размер: 230,8 mb

Vol. I - From the Beginnings to Jerome

Volume 1 of The Cambridge History of the Bible concerns the earliest period down to Jerome and takes as its central theme the process by which the books of both Testaments came into being and emerged as a canon of scripture, and the use of canonical writings in the early church.

Vol. II - The West from the Fathers to the Reformation

The Cambridge History treats the Bible as a central document of Western civilization, a source of exegesis and of doctrine, an influence on education, on the growth of scholarship, on art and literature, as well as on the liturgy and the life of the Christian church and its members. This volume commences the study of the Bible in the West. It begins with Jerome and the Fathers and goes on to the time of Erasmus. Introductory chapters look back and rapidly survey the growth of the biblical canon in the pre-Christian period and the early church, and early Christian book-production. The central portion of the volume discusses exposition and exegesis of the Scriptures: in the hands of the Fathers, in the Medieval Schools, in the Liturgy and in the tradition of medieval Jewish scholarship. The permeation of European culture by the Scriptures is illustrated by themes in art and manuscript illustration, and by separate sections on each of the main vernacular languages, giving special attention to English. Each chapter is written by a scholar and expert on the subject, who summarizes existing knowledge and, in many cases, advances it by reporting his own research.

Vol. III - The West from the Reformation to the Present Day

Volume 3 covers the effects of the Bible on the history of the West between the Reformation and the publication of the New English Bible.


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