Kronex's Outline of Digital Signals and Syatems Using MATLAB: A Practical Approach » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
Kronex's Outline of Digital Signals and Syatems Using MATLAB: A Practical Approach
Название: Kronex's Outline of Digital Signals and Syatems Using MATLAB: A Practical Approach
Автор: Kronex David
Издательство: Kronex
Год: 2017
Формат: True PDF
Страниц: 402
Размер: 7.1 Mb
Язык: English

This book explains the concept of Digital Signals and sytem in detail. Discussed in it are the Fouries series, Fouries transforms, the Lapalce tranform, the Z-transform in a applied perspective. All principles are presented in a lucid step-by-step approach in the context of both continuous and discrete systems as well as sampling, communication, convolution and linear feedback systems with numerous examples.
All concepts in this book is presented in a clear and logical manner which is easy to follow, with review questions in the form of multiple choice objective questions at the end of each chapter with answers.
These problems tests students comprehension and highlights key concepts before going to the next section. The application of all the concepts covered is discussed towards the end of the book.

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