Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing: MATLAB Based Applications » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing: MATLAB Based Applications
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing: MATLAB Based Applications
Автор: John L. Semmlow
Название: Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing: MATLAB Based Applications
Издательство: TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC
Год: 2004
ISBN: 978-0824750688
Серия: Signal processing and communications
Язык: English
Формат: pdf
Размер: 23 mb
Страниц: 550

This book assumes that you have both a prior knowledge of Matlab and of signal processing concepts. It spends the first three chapters going over measurement and transducer systems, basic signals and systems, and classical methods of spectral analysis. Even though these chapters are meant to be a quick review, there are some Matlab implementations of basic algorithms in each chapter. Chapter four introduces digital filters and shows Matlab implementations of both IIR and FIR filters. A special treat of chapter four is that some time is spent introducing the reader to the Matab signal processing toolkit. Now that the basics of digital filtering have been introduced, more advanced signal processing techniques are tackled. These include modern methods of spectral analysis and also time-frequency analysis using such methods as the Wigner-Ville distribution.

There is a separate chapter devoted to the wavelet transform and to its use in filter banks, denoising, and feature detection.

You should already be familiar with the basic concepts behind image processing, and as with the signal processing portion of this book, the point is to have a single text with all of the relevant signal processing techniques briefly described along with Matlab code for the purpose of biosignal processing. However, even if you are not a biomedical engineer you should find this book helpful in the general sense of producing implementations of signal processing concepts. This book would also be helpful for biometric professionals since it goes into great detail on how to turn biological features into measurements that can be processed and compared.


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