British Leyland - From Triumph to Tragedy: Petrol, Politics and Power » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
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British Leyland - From Triumph to Tragedy: Petrol, Politics and Power

Название: British Leyland - From Triumph to Tragedy: Petrol, Politics and Power
Автор: Lance Cole
Издательство: Pen and Sword
ISBN: 1526748231
Год: 2021
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 280
Размер: 43,7 МБ
Язык: Английский

A history of the British automotive manufacturer and an analysis of what went wrong. Author Lance Cole lifts the bonnet on BL and presents a forensic yet easy to read new analysis in a story of BL, its cars, and the era of their motoring as powers on the political Left and Right waged war, sometimes even with themselves.

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