The Rails 5 Way, 4th Edition » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
The Rails 5 Way, 4th Edition

Название: The Rails 5 Way, 4th Edition
Автор: Obie Fernandez
Издательство: Addison-Wesley Professional
Год: 2017
ISBN: 9780134657677
Серия: Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 1088
Размер: 10.5 mb
Язык: 1088

The Rails 5 Way is the comprehensive, authoritative reference guide for professionals delivering production-quality code using modern Ruby on Rails. Obie Fernandez illuminates the entire Rails 5 API, its most powerful idioms, design approaches, and libraries. He presents new and updated content on Action Cable, RSpec 3.4, Turbolinks 5.0, the Attributes API, and many other enhancements, both major and subtle.

Through detailed code examples, you’ll dive deep into Ruby on Rails, discover why it’s designed as it is, and learn to make it do exactly what you want. Proven in thousands of production systems, the knowledge in this book will maximize your productivity and help you build more successful solutions.

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