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PHP para quem conhece PHP (Portuguese Edition)
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PHP para quem conhece PHP (Portuguese Edition)Название: PHP para quem conhece PHP (Portuguese Edition)
автор: Juliano Niederauer
Издательство: Novatec Editora
Страниц: 625
Год: 2017
Размер: 21 MB
Язык: Portuguese

Apresenta recursos avan?ados desta poderosa linguagem de programa??o para a Web. Aborda diversos assuntos ?teis ao desenvolvedor, como cookies e sess?es, upload de arquivos, gera??o de imagens e gr?ficos, arquivos PDF, templates, abstra??o de bancos de dados, entre outros. Al?m disso, cont?m uma abrangente revis?o sobre PHP, para aqueles que tiveram pouco contato com a linguagem.
Assim como nas demais obras do autor, neste livro a did?tica tamb?m ? o ponto forte, o que permite ao leitor o r?pido entendimento de assuntos aparentemente complexos. Para facilitar a compreens?o dos conte?dos, s?o apresentados v?rios exemplos de programas e, ao final, um estudo de caso envolvendo diversos recursos da linguagem.
Ler PHP para quem conhece PHP ? indispens?vel para quem deseja se tornar um especialista nessa linguagem!

Sergey's HTML5 & CSS3: Quick Reference. HTML5, CSS3 and APIs. Full Color (2nd Edition)
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Sergey's HTML5 & CSS3: Quick Reference. HTML5, CSS3 and APIs. Full Color (2nd Edition)Название: Sergey's HTML5 & CSS3: Quick Reference. HTML5, CSS3 and APIs. Full Color (2nd Edition)
автор: Sergey Mavrody
Издательство: Belisso
Страниц: 218
Год: 2012
ISBN: 978-0983386728
Формат: PDF
Размер: 13 MB
Язык: Английский

HTML and CSS are the most essential and fundamental web languages, which provide the foundation for the vast majority of web sites and web applications. HTML5 is on track to become the future of the web, offering simple plug-in free Rich Internet Application capabilities, easier development, and enhanced user experience.
This book is an essential technical dictionary for professional web designers and developers, covering the most common and fundamental concepts and specs, including tags, attributes, values, objects, properties, methods, events, and APIs.

Table Layout in CSS: CSS Table Rendering in Detail
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Table Layout in CSS: CSS Table Rendering in DetailНазвание: Table Layout in CSS: CSS Table Rendering in Detail
автор: Eric A. Meyer
Издательство: O'Reilly Media
Страниц: 44
Год: 2016
ISBN: 978-1491930533
Размер: 16 MB
Язык: Английский

This concise guide takes you on a deep dive into the concepts necessary for understanding CSS and tables in your web layout, including table formatting, cell alignment, and table width.Short and deep, this book is an excerpt from the upcoming fourth edition of CSS: The Definitive Guide.

Категория: КНИГИ » ОС И БД
Certified OpenStack Administrator Study Guide
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Certified OpenStack Administrator Study GuideНазвание: Certified OpenStack Administrator Study Guide
автор: Andrey Markelov
Издательство: Apress
Страниц: 158
Год: 2016
ISBN: 978-1484221242
Формат: PDF
Размер: 15 MB
Язык: Английский

This guide teaches you how and what to study in order to be best prepared for the Certified OpenStack Administrator exam. This fast-growing technology is creating a market that needs more qualified IT specialists with proven skills. This book covers 100% of the exam requirements for both The OpenStack Foundation and the Mirantis OpenStack Certification Exam.
Each theme is taught using practical exercises and instructions for the command line and for the graphical client (Horizon). Each chapter is followed by review questions, complete with answers. Even after you have taken and passed your OpenStack exam, this book will remain a useful reference.

Hedge Fund Modelling and Analysis: An Object Oriented Approach Using C++ (The Wiley Finance Series)
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Hedge Fund Modelling and Analysis: An Object Oriented Approach Using C++ (The Wiley Finance Series)Название: Hedge Fund Modelling and Analysis: An Object Oriented Approach Using C++ (The Wiley Finance Series)
автор: Paul Darbyshire
Издательство: Wiley
Страниц: 304
Год: 2016
ISBN: 978-1118879573
Формат: PDF
Размер: 12 MB
Язык: Английский

This book serves as a complete course in hedge fund modeling and provides a primer on C# and Object Oritented Programming (OOP) that will allow you to manage risk easily and make the most of key statistics. Covering both basic and risk-adjusted performance measures, Hedge Fund Analysis and Modeling Using C# moves from simple to sophisticated analysis techniques, using worked examples to show you exactly how to manage return in an era of volatility and financial risk.

C++ Programming Language: Simple, Short, and Straightforward Way of Learning C++ Programming
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C++ Programming Language: Simple, Short, and Straightforward Way of Learning C++ ProgrammingНазвание: C++ Programming Language: Simple, Short, and Straightforward Way of Learning C++ Programming
автор: Sherwyn Allibang
Издательство: DBest Reads
Страниц: 252
Год: 2016
Размер: MB
Язык: Английский

This book is for absolute beginners with or without prior knowledge in programming, as this book uses Simple words, Short sentences, and Straightforward paragraphs. The triple S way of learning C++ programming. C++ (pronounced as cee plus plus) is a general-purpose programming language. The main object of C++ is to add object-orientation to its predecessor C language. C++ has imperative, object-oriented and generic programming features, while also providing facilities for low-level memory manipulation. There are also other useful features added to C++ such as inheritance and polymorphism. The topics covered in this book includes brief introduction to C++ programming, variables, data types, control structures, functions, pointers, and file management of external files. This book starts its discussion from short history to installation of the needed software resource and a step by step screen shots of how to write C++ programming code, compile and execute C++ programs. It presents graphical representation of algorithms for simpler learning.

Инженерные расчёты в Solidworks Simulation
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Инженерные расчёты в Solidworks SimulationНазвание: Инженерные расчёты в Solidworks Simulation
автор: Алямовский А.А.
Издательство: ДМК Пресс
Страниц: 464
Год: 2010
ISBN: 978-5-94074-586-0
Формат: PDF
Размер: 197 MB
Язык: Русский

Предметом книги является подробное рассмотрение реальных инженерных проблем, решенных посредством модулей SolidWorks Simulation (COSMOSWorks, COSMOSMotion и COSMOSFloWorks). Это задачи анализа прочности, кинематики, динамики, гидрогазодинамики и теплопередачи. Прочтя книгу, читатель получит полное представление о функциональности алгоритмов и программ, ознакомится с методиками использования численных методов, присутствующих в популярной системе проектирования. Книга может быть полезна как начинающим специалистам для формирования мировоззрения в области инженерного анализа, так и опытным инженерам-расчетчикам для углубления и конкретизации знаний применительно к современным реализациям расчетных модулей SolidWorks. Особенностью издания является обсуждение вопросов, связанных с совместным применением нормативных расчетных методик и универсальных компьютерных моделей, на базе реальных инженерных задач.

Cyber-Physical Attack Recovery Procedures: A Step-by-Step Preparation and Response Guide
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Cyber-Physical Attack Recovery Procedures: A Step-by-Step Preparation and Response GuideНазвание: Cyber-Physical Attack Recovery Procedures: A Step-by-Step Preparation and Response Guide
автор: Luis Ayala
Издательство: Apress
Страниц: 104
Год: 2016
ISBN: 978-1484220641
Формат: PDF
Размер: 11 MB
Язык: Английский

This book provides a template with step-by-step instructions on how to respond and recover when hackers get into your SCADA system and cause building equipment to act erratically or fail completely. When hackers shut off the water, turn off the building power, disable the sewage effluent pumps and activate the fire alarm, you have to do something quick. It is even more alarming that hackers can do all those things at the same time―even from the other side of the planet.
Not every equipment failure or power outage is a cyber-physical attack. When your building is attacked, you probably won’t suspect it was a hacker―until you see a pattern. The building control system (BCS) will act "squirrelly" and you will know―it really is a cyber-physical attack.

Wireshark Network Analysis (Second Edition): The Official Wireshark Certified Network Analyst Study Guide
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Wireshark Network Analysis (Second Edition): The Official Wireshark Certified Network Analyst Study GuideНазвание: Wireshark Network Analysis (Second Edition): The Official Wireshark Certified Network Analyst Study Guide
автор: Laura Chappell
Издательство: Laura Chappell University
Страниц: 986
Год: 2012
ISBN: 978-1893939943
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 16 MB
Язык: Английский

Wireshark is the world's most popular network analyzer tool with over 500,000 downloads per month. This book provides insider tips and tricks to spot performance issues fast - no more finger pointing because the packets never lie! From "Death by Database" to "Troubleshooting Time Syncing," 49 case studies offer insight into performance and security situations solved with Wireshark.
Learn to customize Wireshark for faster and more accurate analysis of your network traffic. Build graphs to identify and expose issues such as packet loss, receiver congestion, slow server response, network queuing and more.
This book is the Official Study Guide for the Wireshark Certified Network Analyst program.

iPhone For Seniors For Dummies 5th Edition
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iPhone For Seniors For Dummies 5th EditionНазвание: iPhone For Seniors For Dummies 5th Edition
автор: Nancy C. Muir
Издательство: For Dummies
Страниц: 480
Год: 2016
ISBN: 978-1119293484
Формат: PDF
Размер: 63 MB
Язык: Английский

iPhone For Seniors For Dummies, 5th Edition is a full-color text that guides you through easy-to-understand lessons in iPhone features and functions. This step-by-step reference explains how to use the most basic of your phone's capabilities, such as making calls and sending text messages. Additionally, this newly revised book walks you through the most exciting features of your iPhone's hardware and software, from downloading new apps to keeping your data—and your phone—safe. With a larger font size and illustrations, this senior-friendly resource presents information in an accessible way.