Guns & Ammo - September 2024 » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
Guns & Ammo - September 2024
Guns & Ammo - September 2024Название: Guns & Ammo
Издательство: InterMedia Outdoors, Inc.
Год / месяц: September 2024
Номер: Vol.68 No.9
Страниц: 124
Формат: PDF
Размер: 100 MB
Язык: English

Ведущий американский журнал о стрелковом оружии.
Guns & Ammo spotlights the latest, greatest models, from combat pistols to magnum shooting tactics, from stance to sighting...and explores issues from government policies to sportsmen's rights. It's the one magazine that brings you all aspects of the world of guns.

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