Electricity and Electronics: Theory, practice and solved and proposed exercises » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
Electricity and Electronics: Theory, practice and solved and proposed exercises
Название: Electricity and Electronics: Theory, practice and solved and proposed exercises
Автор: Albeiro Patino Builes
Издательство: Xalambo Editorial
Год: 2023
Страниц: 467
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 20.6 MB

The success of the ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRONICS series, composed of the titles Principles of Electricity, Basic Electronics, and Operational Amplifiers and Other Special Devices, by engineer and author Albeiro Patiño Builes, lies, undoubtedly, in the simplicity of the theoretical explanations, minimal mathematics, without neglecting technical rigor, but above all, in the large number of exercises, both solved and proposed, that guide the student in problem-solving and practical laboratory work. The great incentive for the student is the outcome: understanding of basic laws, manipulation of components, circuit construction, measurement, and verification of results. We hope that the presentation of these works becomes a great motivation for those interested in the study of electrical phenomena to delve into and deepen their understanding of this fascinating branch of science.

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