Paul Hollywood's Bread » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
Paul Hollywood's Bread
Название: Paul Hollywood's Bread
Автор: Paul Hollywood
Издательство: Bloomsbury Publishing
Год: 2013
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 155 Мб
Язык: английский / English

Paul Hollywood's new book is all about bread - how to make it and how to use it. Not only does Paul teach you exactly how to make a variety of breads, but for each one there is a spin-off recipe that shows you how to make a fantastic meal of it.

The book has six chapters, each with five bread recipes - plus the spin-off recipes for main courses. Not only are Paul's recipes delicious but they are also foolproof, with comprehensive step-by-step photographs. Try your hand at a basic white bloomer, which can be come a savory picnic loaf; stilton and bacon rolls, which are excellent served with celery soup; fluffy crumpets, which become the base for eggs Benedict; spinach doss, which is a natural pairing with chickpea masala; ciabatta, which the Italians have traditionally used as a base for tomatoey panzanella; pizza bases, which can become home-made fig, Parma ham and Gorgonzola pizzas; or white chocolate and raspberry bread, which makes for the best bread pudding you've ever tasted.

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