Cappers Farmer - Guide to Slow Cooking » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
Cappers Farmer - Guide to Slow Cooking
Название: Cappers Farmer Guide to Slow Cooking
Год: 2016
Автор: Editors
Издательство: Cappers Farmer
Формат: PDF
Размер: 80 Мб
Язык: английский / English

Want to rediscover what made grandma?™s house the fun place we all remember? Capper?™s Farmer — the newly restored publication from the rural know-how experts at GRIT — updates the tried-and-true methods your grandparents used for cooking, crafting, gardening and so much more. Subscribe today and discover the joys of homemade living and homesteading insight — with a dash of modern living — that makes up the new Capper?™s Farmer.

CAPPER's is a bi-monthly magazine distributed throughout the United States and Canada that celebrates country lifestyles of all kinds, while emphasizing the importance of community and stewardship. As North America?™s premier rural lifestyle title, CAPPER's publishes feature-length articles on a broad range of topics that appeal to those already living in the country and those who aspire to get there. Our readers are well-educated, successful and choose to live on the land for many reasons. Most do not depend on their soil for significant income – some choose not to work their land (in the conventional sense) at all. But all share an appreciation for life out where the pavement ends.

CAPPER's offers practical advice, product reviews, livestock guides, gardening, cooking and other do-it-yourself information, humor and the inspirational stories of folks who moved to the country and love it. Each issue covers topics related to country living, land management, wildlife, gardening, livestock or pets, skills and techniques, seasonal food, community, machinery or tools, and lifestyle events.

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