Нестандартное мышление. Самоучитель » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
Biomedical Imaging: Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Biomedical Imaging: Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Generalized Kernel Equating with Applications in R Generalized Kernel Equating with Applications in R Основы научно-технического творчества, изобретательской и рационализаторской работы Основы научно-технического творчества, изобретательской и рационализаторской работы Data Engineering for Machine Learning Pipelines: From Python Libraries to ML Pipelines and Cloud Platforms Data Engineering for Machine Learning Pipelines: From Python Libraries to ML Pipelines and Cloud Platforms Numerical Python: Scientific Computing and Data Science Applications with Numpy, SciPy and Matplotlib, 3rd Edition Numerical Python: Scientific Computing and Data Science Applications with Numpy, SciPy and Matplotlib, 3rd Edition Guide to Canning and Preserving Food: Easy Recipes and Tips for Making Jams, Jellies, Chutneys, Pickles, and More Guide to Canning and Preserving Food: Easy Recipes and Tips for Making Jams, Jellies, Chutneys, Pickles, and More Mastering Adobe Photoshop 2024: Transform from Novice to Pro in Just 7 Days Mastering Adobe Photoshop 2024: Transform from Novice to Pro in Just 7 Days Deep Learning for 3D Vision: Algorithms and Applications Deep Learning for 3D Vision: Algorithms and Applications The Home Reset: Easy Systems and Habits to Organize Every Room The Home Reset: Easy Systems and Habits to Organize Every Room The Green Cookbook: Easy Vegan and Vegetarian Meals The Green Cookbook: Easy Vegan and Vegetarian Meals Applied OSS Reliability Assessment Modeling, AI and Tools: Mathematics and AI for OSS Reliability Assessment Applied OSS Reliability Assessment Modeling, AI and Tools: Mathematics and AI for OSS Reliability Assessment Современные технологии физической терапии и медицинской реабилитации у больных ишемической болезнью сердца Современные технологии физической терапии и медицинской реабилитации у больных ишемической болезнью сердца Automate ChatGPT Prompts for Data Science with Python Automate ChatGPT Prompts for Data Science with Python Foundation Mathematics for Computer Science: A Visual Approach, 4th Edition Foundation Mathematics for Computer Science: A Visual Approach, 4th Edition Foundations and Opportunities of Biometrics: An Introduction to Technology, Applications, and Responsibilities Foundations and Opportunities of Biometrics: An Introduction to Technology, Applications, and Responsibilities Artificial Intelligence Applications in Higher Education: Theories, Ethics, and Case Studies for Universities Artificial Intelligence Applications in Higher Education: Theories, Ethics, and Case Studies for Universities
Biomedical Imaging: Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Biomedical Imaging: Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Generalized Kernel Equating with Applications in R Generalized Kernel Equating with Applications in R Основы научно-технического творчества, изобретательской и рационализаторской работы Основы научно-технического творчества, изобретательской и рационализаторской работы Data Engineering for Machine Learning Pipelines: From Python Libraries to ML Pipelines and Cloud Platforms Data Engineering for Machine Learning Pipelines: From Python Libraries to ML Pipelines and Cloud Platforms Numerical Python: Scientific Computing and Data Science Applications with Numpy, SciPy and Matplotlib, 3rd Edition Numerical Python: Scientific Computing and Data Science Applications with Numpy, SciPy and Matplotlib, 3rd Edition Guide to Canning and Preserving Food: Easy Recipes and Tips for Making Jams, Jellies, Chutneys, Pickles, and More Guide to Canning and Preserving Food: Easy Recipes and Tips for Making Jams, Jellies, Chutneys, Pickles, and More Mastering Adobe Photoshop 2024: Transform from Novice to Pro in Just 7 Days Mastering Adobe Photoshop 2024: Transform from Novice to Pro in Just 7 Days Deep Learning for 3D Vision: Algorithms and Applications Deep Learning for 3D Vision: Algorithms and Applications The Home Reset: Easy Systems and Habits to Organize Every Room The Home Reset: Easy Systems and Habits to Organize Every Room The Green Cookbook: Easy Vegan and Vegetarian Meals The Green Cookbook: Easy Vegan and Vegetarian Meals Applied OSS Reliability Assessment Modeling, AI and Tools: Mathematics and AI for OSS Reliability Assessment Applied OSS Reliability Assessment Modeling, AI and Tools: Mathematics and AI for OSS Reliability Assessment Современные технологии физической терапии и медицинской реабилитации у больных ишемической болезнью сердца Современные технологии физической терапии и медицинской реабилитации у больных ишемической болезнью сердца Automate ChatGPT Prompts for Data Science with Python Automate ChatGPT Prompts for Data Science with Python Foundation Mathematics for Computer Science: A Visual Approach, 4th Edition Foundation Mathematics for Computer Science: A Visual Approach, 4th Edition Foundations and Opportunities of Biometrics: An Introduction to Technology, Applications, and Responsibilities Foundations and Opportunities of Biometrics: An Introduction to Technology, Applications, and Responsibilities Artificial Intelligence Applications in Higher Education: Theories, Ethics, and Case Studies for Universities Artificial Intelligence Applications in Higher Education: Theories, Ethics, and Case Studies for Universities
Нестандартное мышление. Самоучитель

Название: Нестандартное мышление. Самоучитель
Автор: Эдвард де Боно
Издательство: Попурри
Год: 2000
Страниц: 219
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10 mb
Качество: хорошее

Мышление — это основной человеческий ресурс. Утверждение о том, что качество нашего будущего целиком зависит от качества на­шего сегодняшнего мышления, справедливо для всех уровней — от отдельно взятой личности до глобального. Книга показывает, что улучшить навык мышления намного проще, чем полагают многие.
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Вы, вероятно, полагаете, что с вашим мышлением все в порядке. Так думает большинство людей. Вы можете также полагать, что с вашим мышлением ни­чего не поделаешь. Еще вы можете полагать, что попытки улучшить ваш навык мышления окажутся сложным и скучным делом. В действительности улучшить навык мышления намно­го проще, чем полагают многие. Настоящая книга именно об этом.

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