The Ultimate Networking Handbook » MIRLIB.RU - ТВОЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА
The Ultimate Networking Handbook
The Ultimate Networking Handbook
Название: The Ultimate Networking Handbook
Издательство: Future Publishing Limited
Год: 2015
Номер: Single Issue
Формат: pdf
Язык: English
Размер: 33,9 mb
Кол-во страниц: 180

Hooking your laptop up to the internet or using a smartphone to stream music to some Bluetooth speakers are common enough tasks, but at one time they would appear impossibly complex and bandwidth-hungry.

What if you want more? What if you want to share files across computers of all kinds on your home network or create a backup system that prevents you from losing files? What if you want to really get your hands dirty and plunge into the guts of a media streamer or home server with a screwdriver and Terminal commands?

It’s all in here. This guide takes you from setting up your home network and sharing files through a router to building an outbuilding to do your computer work in, taking in cloud storage, homebrew servers and network attached hard drive arrays along the way.

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